MarceloLeite2604 / spring-webflux

Checking data streaming possibilities with Spring WebFlux.

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Spring WebFlux

Checking data streaming possibilities with Spring WebFlux.


The following list presents the software version which the code has been developed. Probably newer versions might work also, but there are no guarantees.

  • Maven 3.6.3
  • Docker 20.10.8
  • Docker Compose 1.25.0
  • OpenJDK 16.0.1
  • Curl 7.74.0


The following commands assumes that you are on project root directory.

  1. Create and start a Mongo container through docker-compose up -d command.
  2. Compile and build the executable jar with mvn clean package command.
  3. Start the program with java -jar target/*.jar command.
  4. Open a new terminal and send a request using curl: curl -is "http://localhost:8080/person"
  5. The response will be a streaming of JSON objects delimited by newline characters.


Checking data streaming possibilities with Spring WebFlux.


Language:Java 100.0%