MarcCote / tractconverter

Converter for different neuro-imaging file formats.

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Convert from .trk to .tck crashes if anatomy's affine has permutations.

matthieudumont opened this issue · comments

I recently generated tracks with some small animal diffusion data and I wanted to convert them from .trk to .tck. Thing is, I get an error in at line 160.

This happens mainly because my anatomy's affine matrix is a permutation matrix with some zeros on the diagonal and the scaling removal step seems to assume the affine matrix has no zeros on the diagonal.

I already have a quick fix I could submit but I just wanted to confirm it really was a bug and not me using the tool improperly before making a pull request.

Thanks you.

Hi Matthieu,

You could try providing the anatomy to using the following argument -a anat.nii as it will overwrite information contained in the .trk by the one in the anatomy.

Also, can you paste the output of script executed on your .trk file.

Anyhow, I would be happy to check your fix, because crashingh sould not be an option ;)
Thanks for the feedback.

Actually this happens precisely when I provide the anatomy as parameter.

The _calcTransform method of divides the diagonal of the anatomy's affine matrix by the scaling with the following code:

anat = nibabel.load(anatFile)
voxelSize = list(anat.get_header().get_zooms())[:3]

M = anat.get_header().get_best_affine()
idxDiag = np.diag(np.diag(M)) != 0
M[idxDiag] /= voxelSize + [1]

Unfortunatly, if M has some zeros on the diagonal, M[idxDiag] / voxelSize + [1]
crashes because of dimensions mismatch.

I suggest building a scaling matrix and multiply M with it:

anat = nibabel.load(anatFile)
voxelSize = list(anat.get_header().get_zooms())[:3]
scaleMat = np.diag(np.divide(1.0, voxelSize + [1]))
M = anat.get_header().get_best_affine()
M =, M)

It seems to work for my needs but idk if it was done the other way for a particular reason.

I must confess that part of the code comes from an old version of the FiberNavigator.

I'm curious to know, why is your anatomy has one dimension of 0mm ?

I added your fix thanks => v0.6.7.