MarcAmil30 / Fungus_ML

Neural Network Classifier for classifying Fungus vs Mycelium

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FungiNet (Mycrobez)

Created by: Marc Amil


  • Classify mycelium vs moulds
  • Achieve higher throughput and production rate


  • Importing Data
  • Image Annotation
  • Deep Learning

Ways that moulds and mycelium can be differentiated? These are the things I can find if you know any more please add :) Present in mycelium:

  • Defined lines raidating it out from a centre (round)

  • Structure and shape

  • Mould if fuzzy and chaotic --> no lines, no structure

  • Some mould is blue, green ...

  • Some mould looks like cob-web

Importing Data

Image Annotation

Semantic Segmentation


Neural Network Classifier for classifying Fungus vs Mycelium