Marak/say.js Issues
How to read Chinese?
Updated 8say.speak does not work in for loop
Updated 1Export as stream without saving?
Updated 5No Voice Found
UpdatedHow do I get ogg
ClosedDoes it support Chinese language?
Updated 1500-1000ms delay to start speaking?
Updated 4Stepping down as maintainer
Updated 1Volume control?
UpdatedSay.js stoped working on Windows 10
Updated 3export text to voice on windows
Closed 1Does say.export work for Linux?
Closed 1It needs to escape text.
Updated 1Can you make it work with webpack?
Updated 2Callback doesn't execute
Updated 2linux, voice not found
Closed 1How to use festival with say.js?
Updated 6Change interface for 1.0?
UpdatedWill support android?
Closed 2Export doesn't work on mac
Closed 1Add ability to set voice globally?
Updated 1Not speed change on windows
Closed 1