ManyFace / AndroMemDumper

A tool used to dump the memory of a specific process on Android.

Repository from Github https://github.comManyFace/AndroMemDumperRepository from Github https://github.comManyFace/AndroMemDumper


AndroMemDumper is a tool used to dump the memory of a specific process on Android.

##Dependency python2.7

##Platform Tested on Ubuntu12.04_64 and window7_64

##Usage Run the following command:

python -pid <PID> -saddr <start_addr> -eaddr <end_addr>
  • <PID>: a specific process's pid
  • <start_addr>: start address of dumped memory
  • <end_addr>: end address of dumped memory
  • The address of dumped memory's last byte is actually <end_addr>-1
  • The size of dumped memory is <end_addr>-<start_addr>
  • The dumped memory will be saved to current work directory

```Bash python -pid 1317 -saddr b43ed000 -eaddr b43ef000 ``` * Running the cmd above will dump the memory between [b43ed000,b43ef000).


  • The bin/dumpMemory tool works for Android 5.1.1 (32bit-arm) emulator and didn't test on other android versions or real devices.


A tool used to dump the memory of a specific process on Android.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 67.3%Language:C 29.7%Language:Makefile 2.9%