ManuelPeinado / Android-Links

A bunch of links to Android libraries and other useful resources (blog posts, tutorials, etc.)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


###Design patterns

ActionBar-PullToRefresh. A modern implementation of the pull-to-refresh pattern for Android.


Merlin. Merlin aims to simplify network monitoring by providing 3 registerable callbacks.

##Blog posts

###Good practices Four Simple Rules to Avoid DisplayMetrics Antipatterns in Android Code. Effectively combine characteristics and qualifiers for optimum layouts.

###Publishing Google Play Developer 8-Step Checkup. Doing this from time to time will keep your account in good order and help you deliver a more successful product to users.

###Testing Growing Android Applications guided by tests. A series of posts aimed at showing and discussing best practices on TDD and Android. | Part 2.


Context, What Context?. Some insights on how Context works alongside some tips that will (hopefully) allow you to leverage it more effectively in your applications.

Blur effect for Android design.

Layout Inflation as Intended.

Dagger vs. Guice. A comparison of the two Java dependency-injection frameworks.


Google I/O 2013 - The New Android SDK Build System. By Xavier Ducrohet. Introducing the new Gradle-based Android SDK build system that will eventually replace Ant and the Eclipse builders.

##Open-source apps

Otto + Dagger sample. A simple example to understand how to use Dagger and Otto.


A bunch of links to Android libraries and other useful resources (blog posts, tutorials, etc.)