Manojbabu36 / vrpdr

Deep Learning Applied To Vehicle Registration Plate Detection and Recognition.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deep Learning Applied To Vehicle Registration Plate Detection and Recognition

Python 3.6

What's this repo about?

This is a simple approach for vehicle registration plate detection and recognition. YOLO object detection algorithm was used for license plate region detections, then an image processing pipeline was performed to extract character digits. After that, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - EMNISTNet - and the "vanilla" Tesseract-OCR Optical Character Recognition (OCR) were used to recognize the extracted digits.

OutputOutput: vehicle license plate and recognized digits were blurred for an obvious reason.

Install and Requirements

Python version: 3.6

  • Required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Tesseract-OCR (optional)

If you also want to use Tesseract-OCR for the character recognition task, follow the instructions below:

  • Tesseract-OCR binaries:
sudo apt update sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
  • Tesseract-OCR Python API:
pip install pytesseract==0.3.3

Pre-trained Weights

Download the pre-trained weights for the YOLO and EMNISTNet and put it in the config directory.

  • YOLO was trained on the Brazilian SSIG-ALPR dataset.

    • TODO: upload weights and other config files somewhere.
  • EMNISTNet was trained on the EMNIST bymerge dataset until it reaches around 89% of accuracy, then training was continued with a custom dataset for fine-tuning. (TODO: link the custom dataset).

    • TODO: upload weights


Run the application API:


The app will be listening to requests on http://localhost:5000/

Send an Http POST request with a form-data body with an attribute file containing the image, like this:

curl --location --request POST 'localhost:5000/' \
--form 'file=@/path/to/the/image/file/image_file.png'

API Output:

Although multiple detections and recognitions are possible in the same image, the API will output the prediction for the detection with the highest confidence.

json object response:

  "bounding_box": {
    "h": 51,
    "w": 127,
    "x": 1474,
    "y": 520
  "classId": "0",
  "confidence": 1.0,
  "emnist_net_preds": "ABC1234",
  "tesseract_preds": "ABC1234"

Note: If DEBUG flag is set to True in the, images will be produced in the debug directory for every step in the process.

How To Train

If you want to train the models by yourself, or just want to use your custom datasets, just follow the instructions below:


  • You can find here very clear instructions on how to train YOLO on your dataset.


Go the EMNISTNet directory and simply type:

python --e=5 --cuda --v
  • Params:
    • --e=number_of_epochs: the number of epochs you want to train your model
    • --cuda: if you want to train on GPU that supports CUDA
    • --v: verbose mode

Fine-tuning on a custom dataset

As we know the EMNIST is a handwritten character digits dataset and the extracted digits of license plates are not handwritten, so EMNISTNet may not give the desired accuracy on these particular images. To circumvent this issue, training was carried out on a custom dataset where digits are more like to our problem domain. Data Augmentation methods, such as rotation and shear, was also applied.

DigitsCustom dataset: examples of character digits

python --d=custom_dataset/ --e=10 --cuda --v
  • Params:
    • start weights from a pre-trained model and continue training from there
    • --d=path_to_the_custom_dataset: path to our custom dataset

Note: Since pytorch DataLoader keeps its own internal class indexes for the target labels based on the alphabetical order, and image subdirectories are used as class labels, in order to keep track of the idx like this:

idx = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']

I managed to put images in the custom dataset as shown below:



Deep Learning Applied To Vehicle Registration Plate Detection and Recognition.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%