Manaswini1832 / flutter_quizzler_app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Learnt about Dart Classes and Objects
  • Understood what properties and methods of a class are
  • Property : Variable associated with a class
  • Method : Function associated with a class
  • Object : Instance of the class we created
  • Learnt about the 4 pillars of OOP using the car analogy
  1. Abstraction : Split functionality into different components that have their own defined roles

  2. Encapsulation : Classes are strictly separated and interact only sometimes otherwise they are fully independent of each other

  3. Inheritance : A class inheriting properties and methods from its parent class

    Say parent class is called Car

    //New child class

    class ElectricCar extends Car{}

  4. Polymorphism : We override some properties or methods of parent class using the @override keyword, can also have super.(method name)

  • Learnt how to do the exact same thing(i.e. creating the Question class) in 2 different ways and changing its children classes accordingly



Language:Dart 93.0%Language:Swift 5.0%Language:Kotlin 1.5%Language:Objective-C 0.5%