Manas140 / dotfiles

Config files for my setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Config files for AwesomeWm


  • Prerequisites

    Must have, just to make sure everything works properly

    awesome bluez elogind flameshot alacritty mpd mpDris2 nmcli picom playerctl pulsemixer redshift rofi xsettingsd zsh

    Suggested, makes everything feel complete

    kitty chromium ncmpcpp nvim lf zathura
  • Clone the repo

    git clone --recurse-submodules --depth=1 && cd dotfiles
  • Install / Copy all configs


Usage [ Keybinds ]

Key Action
[Software] Action
Print flameshot gui
Super + r rofi
Super + Return alacritty
[AwesomeWm] Action
Super + d open dashboard
Super + q kill focused window
Alt + Tab toggle window focus
Super + m minimize focused window
Super + Tab toggle floating/tiling
Super + space toggle fullscreen
Super + [1-5] focus desktop 1-5
Super + Shift + [1-5] move window to desktop 1-5
Super + Arrow [Up,Down,Left,Right] resize window

Project references

Special Thanks


Config files for my setup

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 59.6%Language:CSS 35.8%Language:Shell 4.6%