Build an Email and SMS Reminder Service using Flask 2.0 and APScheduler python
create user
create reminder
update reminder
delete reminder
repeat reminder (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)
view all reminder
view calender and reminder
view specific reminder
reminder notification
- send SMS Notification
- send Email Notification
python 3.8
flask 2.0
twilio 7.8.1 Twilio: A Python helper library that makes it easy to interact with the Twilio API.
python-dateutil 2.8.2 python-dateutil: This library provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime module already provided by Python.
python-dotenv 0.20.0 A library for importing environment variables from a .env file.
APScheduler 3.9.1 Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler) is a Python library that lets you schedule your Python code to be executed later, either just once or periodically.
Flask-APScheduler 1.12.3 Flask-APScheduler is a Flask extension which adds support for the APScheduler.
Create flaskr/.env file Add following TWILIO configuration in the .env file to send sms notification
Add following EMAIL configuration in .env file to send email notifiaction EMAIL_PASSWORD=YOUR_MAIL_PASSWORD SMTP_SERVER=YOUR_EMAIL_PROVIDER_SMTP_SERVER SMTP_PORT=587
- pip install requiremnts.txt
- export FLASK_APP=flaskr
- export FLASK_ENV=development
- flask init-db
- flask run
- export FLASK_APP=flaskr
- export FLASK_ENV=development
- flask run