MalonzaElkanah / Reminder-Flask

Build an Email and SMS Reminder Service using Flask 2.0 and APScheduler python

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Reminder App

Build an Email and SMS Reminder Service using Flask 2.0 and APScheduler python


  • create user

  • login

  • create reminder

  • update reminder

  • delete reminder

  • repeat reminder (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)

  • view all reminder

  • view calender and reminder

  • view specific reminder

  • reminder notification

    1. send SMS Notification
    2. send Email Notification


  • python 3.8

  • flask 2.0

  • sqlite3

  • twilio 7.8.1 Twilio: A Python helper library that makes it easy to interact with the Twilio API.

  • python-dateutil 2.8.2 python-dateutil: This library provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime module already provided by Python.

  • python-dotenv 0.20.0 A library for importing environment variables from a .env file.

  • APScheduler 3.9.1 Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler) is a Python library that lets you schedule your Python code to be executed later, either just once or periodically.

  • Flask-APScheduler 1.12.3 Flask-APScheduler is a Flask extension which adds support for the APScheduler.

Initial Installation

Create flaskr/.env file Add following TWILIO configuration in the .env file to send sms notification


Add following EMAIL configuration in .env file to send email notifiaction EMAIL_PASSWORD=YOUR_MAIL_PASSWORD SMTP_SERVER=YOUR_EMAIL_PROVIDER_SMTP_SERVER SMTP_PORT=587

Install dependacies requirements

  • pip install requiremnts.txt

Run following commands in shell

  • export FLASK_APP=flaskr
  • export FLASK_ENV=development
  • flask init-db
  • flask run

To run other Instances

  • export FLASK_APP=flaskr
  • export FLASK_ENV=development
  • flask run


Build an Email and SMS Reminder Service using Flask 2.0 and APScheduler python


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