MaliDipak / Flask-RestAPI

flask rest api development

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Flask RestAPI

  • Description: Flask RestAPI is a RESTful web application built using Flask, a lightweight Python web framework. It provides a user-friendly interface to perform CRUD operations on user data stored in a database. The application follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, separating concerns and enhancing maintainability.

  • Features:

    • RESTful API for managing user data
    • MVC architecture for improved organization
    • Routes for CRUD operations on users
    • Responsive HTML page for route information display
    • JWT authentication for secure user access
    • Middleware for request and response processing
    • Decorators for route authorization and validation
  • File Structure

├── controller/
│ └──
├── model/
│ └──
└── view/
└── index.html
  • Installation:

    1. Clone the repository:
      git clone
    2. Navigate to the project directory:
      cd Flask-RestAPI
    3. Install dependencies:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Usage:

    1. Run the Flask application:
    2. Access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:5000/.
    3. Use the provided routes to perform CRUD operations on user data.
  • Routes:

    • GET /: Home page route. Displays information about all routes in the application.
    • GET /routes: Endpoint to fetch information about all routes in the application.
    • GET /user/getall: Retrieves all users from the database.
    • GET /user/getone: Retrieves one random user from the database.
    • GET /user/getone/<id>: Retrieves a user by their ID from the database.
    • POST /user/add: Adds a new user to the database.
    • PUT /user/update: Updates an existing user in the database.
    • PATCH /user/updatepatch: Updates an specific user information in the database.
    • DELETE /user/delete/<id>: Deletes a user from the database by their ID.
    • DELETE /user/deleteall: Deletes all users from the database.
  • JWT Authentication:

    • JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication is used to secure user access to the API. Upon successful login, a JWT token is generated and sent to the client. This token is then included in subsequent requests to authenticate the user.
  • Middleware:

    • Middleware functions are used to process requests and responses before they reach the route handler. For example, the file contains middleware functions for JWT token validation and user authentication.
  • Decorators:

    • Decorators are used to add additional functionality to route handlers. For example, the @jwt_required decorator is used to ensure that a JWT token is present in the request before allowing access to a route.


flask rest api development


Language:Python 79.4%Language:HTML 20.6%