MaksimDzhangirov / imageProcessor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Overview


The goal is to create a system for uploading and processing files. It should consist of two microservices, one responsible for file uploading and retrieval (Files API), and another responsible for file processing (Processing API). Each microservice should reside in a separate main package.

Files API

The Files API microservice should expose an HTTP endpoint for uploading files. Once a file is uploaded, it should be saved to the file system, and its ID should be sent to the Processing API via a RabbitMQ queue.

Processing API

The Processing API microservice should provide functionality for processing and optimizing images. It should accept file ID from a RabbitMQ queue, reduce the image size and overwrite the file in the file system.

How to run

docker-compose up

http://file.upload.local:8080/ - main page with form for image upload. http://file.upload.local:8080/image (POST request) - url for image saving on disk

Stored images can be accessed from browser using url http://file.upload.local:8080/images/{image_name}

You can config some parameters using environment variables (file

RabbitMQ UI Url Address - http://rabbit.client.local:15672. Use guest as username and password.

How to run tests

docker-compose run files_api sh -c "cd handler && go test -v ./..."



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