Makonede / botw-link

Tool for building modules to statically link with BotW

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A tool for linking modules against botw

How does it work?

This tool is a wrapper for make. It generates a linker script that binds symbols to addresses, calls make to build your module, then checks the binary for dynamically linked symbols that doesn't exist (and are supposed to be statically linked)

make and objdump are required for the program to work, both of which should be already installed if you are running your project in a linux or WSL environment.

Build Graph

    │ Initialize       │
FAIL┌──▼───────────────┐      ┌──────────────────┐
  ┌─┤ Linker Script    ◄──────┤ Prepare Relink   ◄─┬──────┐
  │ └──┬───────────────┘      └──────────────────┘ │      │
  │    │                                           │      │OK
FAIL┌──▼───────────────┐      ┌──────────────────┐ │   ┌──┴───────────────┐
  ├─┤ Run Make         ◄──────┤ Prepare Rebuild  │ │   │ Botw Symbol Scan │
  │ └──┬───────────────┘      └──▲───────────────┘ │   └──▲───┬───────────┘
  │    │OK                       │1st              │OK    │   │FAIL
  │ ┌──▼───────────────┐         │ 2+┌─────────────┴────┐ │   │
  │ │ Check Binary     ├─────────┴───► Configure Linker ├─┘   │
  │ └──┬───────────────┘-c / FAIL    └──────────────────┘FAIL │
  │    │OK                                                    │
  │ ┌──▼───────────────┐                                      │
  └─► Cleanup          ◄──────────────────────────────────────┘

Initialize:       Read config files, run tasks
Linker Script:    Generate linker script from config
Run Make:         call make and objdump
Check Binary:     Check if the elf contains unlinked symbols
Prepare Rebuild:  Remove existing linker script and binary
Configure Linker: Change linker config based on missing symbols
Botw Symbol Scan: Scan botw symbol listing for missing symbols
Prepare Relink:   Removing binary to relink
Cleanup:          Save config files, cleanup tasks


  1. Include this repo as a submodule to your project. Replace LOCAL_PATH with where you want to clone this tool
    git submodule add LOCAL_PATH
  2. Install the dependencies
    cd path/to/botw-link
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Optionally, add the BotW decomp project as a submodule as well so you have access to the headers. Replace LOCAL_PATH where you want to clone the botw code
    git submodule add LOCAL_PATH
  4. Later, to update to the latest version of the tool:
    cd path/to/botw-link
    git checkout main
    git pull
    cd path/to/your/repo
    git add path/to/botw-link
    git commit -m "Update botw-link"
    git push
    In collab scenarios, to update your copy of the tool to whatever the repo uses:
    git submodule update

Follow the steps below to see how to make your code interact with BotW and how to change your build system to use this tool.

Code Changes

You can call functions or use data in BotW with the headers from the decomp project or declare your own and link them later.

Use Decomp Headers (Recommended)

This is the recommended way to make your module interact with BotW.

  1. Add the decomp project to your include path
    Note: do not add the source *.cpp files. Just the headers would be enough. However, in rare situations you might want to use the decompiled source code if you can't find the function address.
  2. Locate the header that contains the function/class you want to use and #include it in your source. The function does not need to be decompiled to be used. For example:
    #include <KingSystem/System/SystemTimers.h>
    Make sure the include path is set correctly in your IDE and your makefile if you see include errors.
  3. Call the function or data just like any regular c++ function
    const auto pSystemTimers = ksys::SystemTimers::getInstance();
    In this case we are using the data symbol _ZN4ksys12SystemTimers9sInstanceE. Since this is listed in the decomp project, the build tool will automatically find it and link it for you
  4. If you need to get the raw address of a member function (for example for hooking), see the Glue API. Do not use member function pointers directly as static function pointers. The compiler will likely stop you anyway.

Declare the Symbol Yourself

Sometimes the symbol isn't in the decomp project. You can either:

  1. Declare it in a header by yourself and link the symbol manually by editing the .yaml config file this tool uses.
  2. Contribute to the decomp project by adding the header and the symbol listing

Target the Code against BotW Versions

With this tool, you can target the same code against both BotW 1.5.0 and 1.6.0 versions at build time. However, whatever symbols you are using must be present in the listing of the corresponding version.

Sometimes it's needed to target code only for a specific version. To do that, you can use preprocessor macros:

#if BOTW_VERSION == 150

The tool will define BOTW_VERSION as either 150 or 160 based on the args and pass it to make.

Build System Changes

You need to apply some changes to the makefile and other files in the build system to use this tool

  1. Decide a place to put the generated linker script in your project. For example
  2. In your linker specs (the .specs file passed in from the ld flag -specs=), add this file to the command. For example
    // OLD:
    %(old_link) -T ../libs/exlaunch/misc/link.ld --shared --export-dynamic 
    // NEW:
    %(old_link) -T ../libs/exlaunch/misc/link.ld ../config/linker/syms.ld --shared --export-dynamic 
    The path should be relative to your build directory
  3. In your makefile, include BOTW_VERSION_DEFINES in the compiler flags. For example:
  4. When calling the tool, specify the linker script output location
    --output config/linker/syms.ld


The tool uses command line arguments to accept inputs so it doesn't depend on external tooling for argument parsing. You can make a script or use a script runner like Just to avoid typing them out every time.

You should invoke the tool by calling it from python with the directory path to make sure it works properly, for example:

python path/to/botw-link path/to/config.toml -V 150

You can see an example of the build config in example.toml

Required Build Flags


--version/-V VERSION

Version of BotW to link against. VERSION must be either "150" or "160". This will affect what symbol data is used and output/input file names. The same string will be passed to the makefile through the BOTW_VERSION variable.

Optional Build Flags



This will clean the symbols defined in the linker config .yaml files and make sure they are up-to-date. Also cleans internal caches used by this tool. The default behavior is only clean when unlinked symbols are found



This will fetch the latest CSV symbol listing for BotW 1.5.0 from the decomp project. The default behavior is only fetch if missing



Show more output

Troubleshooting - It can't find my symbol???

If the tool tells you that it can't find a symbol. Follow the following steps.

If using decomp headers

Try searching for the symbols in listing/150.txt or listing/160.txt depending on your version

If the symbol is found in the txt but the tool still can't find it, please open an issue.

If the symbol is missing in the txt file, follow Add new Symbols below

If not using decomp headers or declared your own symbol

For 1.5.0:

See if the function is already in the decomp project. If so, use the same signature, or just use the headers from the decomp project.

If not, you must find the address of the symbol yourself, then follow Add new Symbols below

Add new Symbols

If the symbol is still missing, you must find the address of the symbol yourself, then you can add it to this tool by:

  • 1.5.0: see here for how to add a symbol listing to 1.5.0. You need to make a PR to the decomp project
  • 1.6.0: Make a PR to this repo updating listing/160.txt

For testing, you can add the listing to manual section of the local .yaml file generated by this tool


Tool for building modules to statically link with BotW

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Just 0.2%