- Create a directory CS_link_test in /home
- Cd CS_link_test
- In CS_link_test folder create 3 files as File_A, File_B & File_C as:
- echo Banana > File_A
- echo Apple > File_B
- echo Orange > File_C What happens when above commands are executed Output: three files are created with respective text.
- In CS_link_test create a new directory named as dirA
- Mv File_C into dirA
- See the inode numbers of individual files as
- ls -i File_A
- ls –i File_B
- ls –i File_C
- Now create hardlink named as hl_FileA for File_A in and check the inode number for created hardlink. Is it same as inode number of File_A? if yes why?
- What is the file type and permissions of created hard link?
- Now create softlink for File_B named as sl_fileb and check the inode number for created softlink. Is it same as inode number of File_B? if yes why? If no why?
- What is the file type and permissions of created soft link?
- Append content of hl_FileA as “new Banana”. Does it affect content of File_A? If yes why ?
- Append content of sl_FileB as “new Apple”. Does it affect content of File_B? If yes why ?
- Unlink FileA from hl_FileA? what happened?
- Similarly delete softlink sl_File_B from File_b.