Mahrooo / Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-TD3

This work has been done as a CS591 Deep Learning course project based on "addressing function approximation error in actor-critic methods" paper.

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TD3 algorithm in deep reinforcement learning

This work has been done as CS591 Deep Learning course project based on "Addressing Function Approximation Error in Actor-Critic Methods" paper.


To run this algorithm you can make an virtual conda environment

conda create -n your_env_name python=3.6

and activate it by

conda activate your_env_name

You need to install some modules includes:

conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib

pip install pybullet

conda install -c akode gym

How to run?

To run this algorithm there are two ways:


1- clone all files

2- open "" and change env_name on line 39 to desired environment which is defined in PyBullet

3- run ""

4- optimal policy will store in "pytorch_models"

5- to visualize the interaction of agent with environment you can open "" file

6- in "" line 33 change env_name to the same environment you train the algorithm on

7- you can see the video of the agent on "exp/brs/monitor" folder


1- clone all files

2- open "" and change env_name on line 209 and 493 to desired environment which is defined in PyBullet

3- run the file

Easy RUN!

On the other hand you can change the name of the environment in 209 and 493 lines and run "TD3_Colab.ipyn" on google colab!


This work has been done as a CS591 Deep Learning course project based on "addressing function approximation error in actor-critic methods" paper.


Language:Python 53.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 46.5%