MahmoudElkarargy / Image-Segmentation

Image segmentation means that we can group similar pixels together and give these grouped pixels the same label. The grouping problem is a clustering problem. We used K-means and spectral clustering on the Berkeley Segmentation Benchmark.

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  • Image segmentation means that we can group similar pixels together and give these grouped pixels the same label. The grouping problem is a clustering problem. We used K-means and spectral clustering on the Berkeley Segmentation Benchmark.
  • We will talk about each technique and the results of the evaluation using F-measures and Conditional Entropy.

It's a university project for Pattern Recognition at Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Computer and Communication Program.


Before running!

1. Download, which includes the 50 images with their truth ground images.


  • Below we will show the needed steps to achieve the goal of the assignment.

1. Download the Dataset.

  • The dataset contains two folders of images, the original images and the ground truth images which are saved in matlab file format. Each image has 5 ground truth segmentation that will be used later for evaluations. We worked on 50 images with different categories and sizes.

2. Visualize the image and the ground truth segmentation.

  • display an image with its associated ground truth segmentation.
  • display an image with its associated ground truth contour segmentation.

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3. Segmentation using K-means

  • Every image pixel is a feature vector of 3-dimension {R, G, B}.


  • A. We will change the K of the K-means algorithm between {3,5,7,9,11} clusters. that will produce different segmentations and will save them as colored images. Every color represents a certain group (cluster) of pixels.
  • B. We will evaluate the result segmentation using F-measure, Conditional Entropy for image I with M available ground-truth segmentations.
  • C. Display good results and bad results for every configuration in A, B.

Sample output

 ** Average fmeasure for each K **
[0.65364406 0.52427345 0.48359772 0.42858945 0.39952321]
 ** Average entropy for each K **
[0.40142372 0.34338245 0.32296092 0.31982477 0.28262732]

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 ** Average fmeasure for each K **
[0.42675117 0.37018466 0.37081968 0.33621452 0.32035279]
 ** Average entropy for each K **
[0.82823465 0.78931538 0.72647158 0.69597183 0.68292893]

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4. Big Picture

  • In this section we will compare between ground truth images and the result of k-means and the spectral clustering techniques.

A. K-means vs Ground Truth

  • Select a set of five images and display their corresponding ground truth against your segmentation results using K-means at K=5.

Segmentation results for random image using K-means at k = 5.

Image corresponding ground truth.

B. Spectral Clustering vs Real image.

Real image

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Segmentation results for random image using Normalized-cut for the 5- NN graph, at k = 5.

A - With 10% of it's orginal size. *** B - With 15% of it's orginal size

C. Spectral Clustering vs K-means vs Real image.

  • Select five images and contrast your segmentation results using Normalized-cut for the 5-NN graph, at K=5 versus using K- means at K=5.

Random Real image

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Spectral Clustering vs K-means

5. Extra

  • In the previous parts, we used the color features RGB. We did not encode the layout of the pixels. We want to modify that for K-means clustering to encode the spatial layout of the pixels.
    • i. Modify the feature vector to include spatial layout.
    • ii. Contrast the results you obtained in 4.A to the results you obtained by considering the spatial layout.
*** FOR IMAGE NB: 1 ***

 ** Average fmeasure for each K **
[0.82205757 0.58572982 0.4798646  0.40293263 0.33990403]
 ** Average entropy for each K **
[0.19845532 0.1867943  0.17868015 0.174505   0.17282233]

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*** FOR IMAGE NB: 2 ***

 ** Average fmeasure for each K **
[0.77222293 0.68747015 0.53652423 0.4558225  0.38230512]
 ** Average entropy for each K **
[0.4075518  0.35545733 0.30010906 0.29462604 0.28558238]

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  • Mahmoud Elkarargy
  • Hossam Elkady
  • Mariam Youssef
  • Raneem Ahmed


Image segmentation means that we can group similar pixels together and give these grouped pixels the same label. The grouping problem is a clustering problem. We used K-means and spectral clustering on the Berkeley Segmentation Benchmark.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%