MaherAzzouzi / CVE-2022-37703

Amanda Information Disclosure bug.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Suggested description] In Amanda 3.5.1, an information leak vulnerability was found in calcsize SUID binary. The attacker can abuse the vulnerability to know if a directory exist or not anywhere in the fs. The binary will use opendir() as root directly without checking the path, letting the attacker provide an arbitrary path. The attacker needs to be the backup user to be able to run calcsize binary.

[Additional Information] The PoC is very simple you just have to run the binary like this: ./calcsize MAHER dir1 -X [directory] if the binary did not generate any output then the directory is available. If it's not available it will say that it is not available like this:

backup@maher:/home/maher/pwn/ubuntu/userland/suid/amanda/sec$ ./calcsize MAHER dir1 -X /etcc /etcc/.: No such file or directory

[Vulnerability Type] Insecure Permissions

[Vendor of Product] Amanda

[Affected Product Code Base] calcsize - 3.5.1

[Affected Component] Component: calcsize SUID binary. C file: calcsize.c Line: 435 if((d = opendir(dirname)) == NULL) {

[Attack Type] Local

[Impact Information Disclosure] true

[Attack Vectors] To exploit the vulnerability the attacker need to have access to the calcsize binary (one of the amanda packages being installed).


[Discoverer] Maher Azzouzi


Amanda Information Disclosure bug.