Mahdi-Hazrati / nodejs-file-storage-crud-api

This is a simple Node.js application that demonstrates how to implement a CRUD API using Express.js and store data in a local JSON file. This repository can be used as a starting point for building applications that require basic CRUD functionality and simple data storage.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Node.js File Storage CRUD API

This is a simple Node.js application that demonstrates how to implement a CRUD API using Express.js and store data in a local JSON file. This repository can be used as a starting point for building applications that require basic CRUD functionality and simple data storage.


To run this application, you will need Node.js installed on your system. Clone this repository to your local machine and navigate to the project directory.

  1. git clone

  2. cd nodejs-file-storage-crud-api `

Install the required dependencies by running the following command:

npm install


Start the server by running the following command:

npm start

This will start the server on port 3000. You can access the API endpoints using a tool like Postman or send HTTP requests using a tool like cURL.


The API provides four endpoints for handling CRUD operations:

Create operation

Add a new item to the data array.

Method: POST

Endpoint: /create
Request body:
{ "id": <number>, "name": <string>, "description": <string> }

"Item added successfully."

Read operation

Retrieve an item by its ID.

Method: GET

Endpoint: /read/:id

URL parameter: id (number)

  "id": <number>,
  "name": <string>,
  "description": <string>


404 Item not found.

Update operation

Update an existing item by its ID.

Method: PUT

Endpoint: /update/:id

URL parameter: id (number)

Request body:
{ "name": <string>, "description": <string> }

"Item updated successfully."


404 Item not found.

Delete operation

Delete an item by its ID.

Method: DELETE

Endpoint: /delete/:id

URL parameter: id (number)


"Item deleted successfully."


404 Item not found.

Data storage

The data is stored in a** local JSON file** named data.json. The readDataFromFile() function reads the file and returns the parsed data as an array of objects. The saveDataToFile() function takes an array of objects and writes it to the file as JSON.


This repository includes all the required code to run the application, as well as a README file with instructions on how to install and use the application. It is intended as a simple example and is not suitable for production use. In a real-world application, you would typically use a database or some other persistent storage mechanism instead of a local file.

Feel free to use this repository as a starting point for your own projects, and modify it as needed to suit your requirements.


This is a simple Node.js application that demonstrates how to implement a CRUD API using Express.js and store data in a local JSON file. This repository can be used as a starting point for building applications that require basic CRUD functionality and simple data storage.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%