Magnushhoie / fuz

Fuz is a blazingly fast folder, file and text searcher

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License

Image Alt Text >

Fuz is a blazingly fast folder, file and text searcher. Personally used daily for over 6 years for managing notes

Why use Fuz?

  • Point to any path containing folders, files or text
  • Fuz instantly and interactively returns search matches (see above)
  • Supports markdown and code highlighting
  • File contents are memory mapped for faster results
  • Cleverly ignores large binary files and hidden directories
  • Search Github repo code, Obsidian notes or code-snippets in the terminal in seconds

Installation and usage

# 0. Install requirements (see below)

# 1. Download and install Fuz
git clone
cd fuz && chmod +x fuz

# 2. Run setup to set a default search directory
./fuz --setup

# 3. Interactively search default directory or path with fuz
fuz --path .

Requirements (pick one option)

# A) MacOS: First install brew ( then run
brew install fzf rg bat

# B) Any system: Use conda
conda install -c conda-forge fzf ripgrep bat

# C) Linux/Ubuntu (requires sudo):
# Install FZF from Github
git clone --depth 1 ~/.fzf
# Install remaining, symlink batcat to bat
sudo apt-get install ripgrep bat
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
# Alternatively:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/batcat usr/local/bin/bat


  fuz [options] <FILENAME and/or SEARCH-TERMS>

Fuz interactively fuzzy searches a directory and
opens selected files at search result.

Use --edit to list files and edit in vim,
or --open for system default app

Project homepage:

- Search text from default path

- Search specific path
    fuz --path DIRECTORY

- Search filenames to edit with vim:
    fuz --edit

- Open matches with system default text editor
    fuz --open

  CTRL+O             Open in vim
  CTRL+L             View with less
  CTRL+J             MOVE down
  CTRL+K             MOVE up

# add to .bashrc/.zshrc (currently supports neovim, macvim or vim):
export FUZ_EDITOR=nvim

  --setup            Set fuz default search directory in .zsh/.bashrc
  -p, --path         Directory to search
  -o, --open         Open search directory or file with system default application
  -e, --edit         Open file with vim editor (instead of 'less'), enables --names option
  -n, --names        Only show filenames
  -c, --create       Create new file in search directory: --create <FILENAME>
  -d, --max-depth    Max search depth (5)
  -m, --max-lines    Max lines read per file (50000)
  -s, --max-size     Max file-size to search (1M)
  -f, --fuzzy-search Enable fuzzy instead of exact search
  --sorttime         Sort chronologically, files by date modified, preserve line order (single threaded, slow)
  --vimsearch        Search lines and open in vim
  --dir              Print and open search directory
  -h, --help         Print this help and exit

Search your Apple Notes (MacOSX)

# Exports Apple Notes to text in ~/_macosx_notes
osascript -l JavaScript macosx_notes2txt.AppleScript

# Setup alias to point to the directory in .bashrc/.zshrc
# Then use 'nfz' to fuz the ~/_macosx_notes directory
echo 'alias nfz="fuz -p ~/_macosx_notes"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'alias nfze="fuz -e -p ~/_macosx_notes"' >> ~/.zshrc


Compatible with bash 3.2+ and zsh 5.9+. Tested on Ubuntu 21.04 and MacOS Monterey/Mojave/Big Sur.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




Fuz is a blazingly fast folder, file and text searcher

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 87.7%Language:AppleScript 11.2%Language:Python 1.0%