MadhushaPrasad / woow-backend

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Code style: black Python 3.10.8 Ruff

Django DjangoREST Postgres Swagger

Django Project Structure

This is a template/project structure for developing django-based applications - either strictly through the django-rest-framework or just django.

The project is meant to be easily clone-able, and used as the starter template for the next big thing you develop. Note, this is a folder structure only, not “best practices”.

Getting Started

  1. Since this is a template repository, simply hit "Use this template" on GitHub and follow the instructions. Otherwise, you can just clone the repo, remove/add anything you see fit.
  2. Run the project using python runserver and you should see the default success page provided by Django at

Creating an App

  1. Create a folder with the app name in apps. For example: poll
  2. Run python startapp poll apps/poll from the root directory of the project

Project Tree

├── apps
│   └── example # A django rest app
│       ├── api
│       │   ├── v1 # Only the "presentation" layer exists here.
│       │   │   ├──
│       │   │   ├──
│       │   │   ├──
│       │   │   └──
│       │   ├── v2 # Only the "presentation" layer exists here.
│       │   │   ├──
│       │   │   ├──
│       │   │   ├──
│       │   │   └──
│       │   └──
│       ├── fixtures # Constant "seeders" to populate your database
│       ├── management
│       │   ├── commands # Try and write some database seeders here
│       │   │   └──
│       │   └──
│       ├── migrations
│       │   └──
│       ├── templates # App-specific templates go here
│       ├── tests # All your integration and unit tests for an app go here.
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       ├── # Your business logic and data abstractions go here.
│       ├──
│       └──
├── common # An optional folder containing common "stuff" for the entire project
├── config
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── deployments # Isolate Dockerfiles and docker-compose files here.
├── docs
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── swagger.yaml
├── requirements
│   ├── common.txt # Same for all environments
│   ├── development.txt # Only for a development server
│   ├── local.txt # Only for a local server (example: docs, performance testing, etc.)
│   └── production.txt # Production only
├── static # Your static files
├── .env.example # An example of your .env configurations. Add necessary comments.
├── static # Your static files
├── .gitignore #
├── # Any bootstrapping necessary for your application
├── pytest.ini


Each app should be designed in way to be plug-able, that is, dragged and dropped into any other project and it’ll work independently.

apps Folder

  • A mother-folder containing all apps for our project. Congruent to any JS-framework's src folder. If you really wanted to, you could even call it the src folder. Again, it's up to you.
  • An app can be a django template project, or an rest framework API.


  • We’ll be writing business logic in services instead of anywhere else.
  • There's a common argument: "Why not just use model managers?", and honestly, that's a fair point. However, for our use case, we've often noticed that a single service can leverage more zero to many models. Either way, managers or services, both work towards the same goal - isolating business logic away from views, and brings it closer to the data.

api Folder

  • We like to place all our API components into a package within an app called api. For example, in this repository it's the example/api folder. That allows us to isolate our API components in a consistent location. If we were to put it in the root of our app, then we would end up with a huge list of API-specific modules in the general area of the app. That's without getting into the mess of API versioning.

For projects with a lot of small, interconnecting apps, it can be hard to hunt down where a particular API view lives. In contrast to placing all API code within each relevant app, sometimes it makes more sense to build an app specifically for the API. This is where all the serializers, renderers, and views are placed. Therefore, the name of the app should reflect its API version

API Versioning

It might often be necessary to support multiple versions of an API throughout the lifetime of a project. Therefore, we're adding in support right from the start.

For different API versions, we're assuming the following will change:

  • Serializers: That is, how the data is presented to a consumer
  • Views: That is, how the data is accessed and modified by a consumer
  • URLs: That is, where the consumer access the data

models and services can be thought of as shared between versions. Therefore, migrating changes should be versioned carefully without breaking different versions of the API. After all, your API version is simply a presentation of how data is handled and managed within your application.

Sufficient unit tests and integration tests should wrap services and API endpoints to ensure full compatibility.

What's v2 of an API?

Currently we're proposing that major changes to the following, constitutes a new API version:

  1. Representation of data, either for submission or retrieval
  2. Major optimizations
  3. Major code reorganization and code refactor
  4. Usually, in a Django project, you won't need to worry about API versioning


  • Contains project configuration files, including the primary URL file
  • Contains settings split into base, local, production and development.. Update: As environment specific variables will be handled using environment variables, we've deemed it unnecessary to have separate settings files for now.


  • Contains Docker, Docker-Compose and nginx specific files for deploying in different environments.

Exception handling

You should probably add a custom exception handler to your project based on who consumes your APIs. To learn how to create a custom exception handler, you can check out the Django Rest Framework documentation at:


Why not just make a cookiecutter out of this?

Honestly, GitHub templates are so much easier. It's a one-click solution and you're good to go. If we want to turn this into a cookiecutter, we'd have to also start deciding sensible defaults, for instance, sentry, DRF version, formatters, linters, etc. And that's something better left to the developer. Although, I am playing around with the idea of having a cookiecutter with those sensible defaults, but let's hope we have time to work on it on the cookiecutter branch.




Language:Python 98.7%Language:Shell 1.3%