MadhavBahl / react-nit-trichy

Documentation for React hooks workshop with NIT Trichy

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NIT Trichy x The Lean Programmer

Presentation Documentation (we are devs 😎) for topics I covered during my ReactJS session at NIT Trichy!



After the workshop, do watch more React Tutorials -

S.No Topic Event/YouTube link
1 Understanding the Basics - JSX + State + Props
2 Lifecycle Methods + Making Network Requests
3 Understanding Flexbox
4 React + TypeScript
5 React Portals


  1. Speaker introduction and chit chat
  2. what will we build today
  3. Some set up beforehand
  4. Introduction to HTML, CSS
  5. JavaScript and DOM Manipulation
  6. Why React?
  7. React Components
  8. Sample Component Architecture
  9. One way data flow
  10. JSX
  11. State
  12. Props
  13. Lifecycle Methods
  14. The counter application
  15. React Hooks
  16. The useState hook
  17. The useEffect hook
  18. Lifecycle methods vs useEffect
  19. API calls
  20. Building our mega app
  21. Deploying our app
  22. Limitations of "only" react
  23. Where to go from here
  24. QnA

What are we going to build today?

"Crypto + Top" = Cryptop

Check out the app in action here -


Let's set up our dev env

  1. Install NodeJS (with npm) -
  2. Install VSCode -
  3. [Optional] Download git -
  4. [Optional] Create a GitHub account -
  5. Create 2 "CRA" projects

1. Counter App

  1. npx create-react-app counter
  2. cd playground
  3. npm start

2. Cryptop

  1. npx create-react-app cryptop
  2. cd playground
  3. npm start

Why React?

  1. Fast Learning Curve
  2. Reusable components
  3. Fast Render with Virtual DOM
  4. Great Dev Tools
  5. Great Dev Community
  6. Proper Modularization
  7. Clean Abstraction
  8. React Native, React Desktop

React Components


React Sample Component Architecture for Pokedex App

See the app in action here:


React Component Hierarchy and One Way Data Flow





Any data that you might need to save as the current state of application (per session) to display it on screen or use for any calculations/logic, which might change in future.


Passing down a piece of data (or method) from parent component to child component.

Sample Application

Let's build a counter app!

React Lifecycle Methods

react hooks

React Hooks

react hooks

useState hook

Let's you use state in functional components

const [ state, setState ] = useState<StateSchema>(initialState)

useEffect hook

Similar to lifecycle methods, but different :D

useEffect(() => {
  // Method you wish to run
}, [dependencyArray]);

useEffect dependency array

Different cases of dependency array

1. [] - Empty array

Runs at the initial render only!

useEffect(() => {
  console.log ("This will run at initial render of the component only")
}, []);

2. Array with some data - [data]

  • runs at initial render
  • runs whenever data changes
useEffect(() => {
  console.log ("This will run at initial render")
  console.log (`This will also run when data - ${data} - changes`);
}, [data]);

3. Nothing...

  • Runs at initial render
  • Runs at every re-render
useEffect(() => {
  console.log ("This is going to run initially + everytime when anything changes");

Let's build our mega app!

1..2..3.. Let's jump on to VS Code!


  1. Create github repo
  2. npm install gh-pages --save-dev
  3. Add homepage in package.json - "homepage": ""
  4. Add deploy scripts (shown below)
  5. git add .
  6. git commit -m "Your commit message"
  7. git push -u origin master
  8. npm run deploy

Deploy script

    "predeploy": "npm run build",
    "deploy": "gh-pages -d build"

That's it! Hope you enjoyed the session.


Documentation for React hooks workshop with NIT Trichy