MadMikeyB / laravel-bulma-starter

A quick replacement for Laravel's basic templates, built with Bulma

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Bulma template starter kit for Laravel

A quick replacement for Laravel's basic templates, built with Bulma. It requires Laravel >= 5.4.

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Via Composer

$ composer require atomescrochus/laravel-bulma-starter

Then you have to install the package' service provider:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

Then, follow theses simple steps:

  1. Add "bulma": "^0.3.1" to your package.json file;
  2. Run npm update
  3. (If you don't want Boostrap anymore) Remove, or comment out the reference to sass_bootstrap and variables in your resources/assets/sass/app.scss file and from resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js.
  4. Add @import "node_modules/bulma/bulma"; to the resources/assets/sass/app.scss file
  5. Run npm run [your-choice-of-env] (the template files max uses of the mix() helper)


Publish the package's view files

If you want to take a peak at the code, you can publish the package's files using:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Atomescrochus\LaravelBulmaStarter\LaravelBulmaStarterServiceProvider" --tag="views"

You'll find them in resources/views/vendor/laravel-bulma-starter.

Replace Laravel default files

If I wanted to replace the welcome.blade.php to the one provided in the package, I would just open the one provided with Laravel, and replace its content by @include('laravel-bulma-starter::welcome'). For the auth.login view, I'd use @include('laravel-bulma-starter::auth.login'), and so on.

Using the package default template by yourself

Just create a new blade file and extend it with @extends('laravel-bulma-starter::layouts.bulma').

You can pass content to this layout file using

Some content.

You can add elements to the top right menu as such

    <a class="nav-item is-tab" href="{{ url('/some-link') }}">A menu item</a>
    <a class="nav-item is-tab" href="{{ url('/some-other-link') }}">Another menu item</a>

If you need to add other scripts, or stylesheets, you can use some additionnal stacks (scripts-before, scripts-after, styles-before and styles-after) like so

    <!-- This will be added right before the inclusion of app.js --> 
    <!-- You still have to use the <script> tags here. -->

    <!-- This will be added right before the inclusion of app.css --> 
    <!-- You still have to use the <link> tags here. -->

Error display component

The only real difference between this packages' views and Laravel's default, beside using Bulma, is that I use a custom component for errors. It can be used as such:

// if using it in a "horizontal form"
@include('laravel-bulma-starter::components.forms-errors', ['field' => 'nameOfField', 'type' => 'horizontal'])

// or if in a regular form, just omit the type
@include('laravel-bulma-starter::components.forms-errors', ['field' => 'nameOfField'])

Of course, you are in now way forced to use the components outisde this package's views, but I find it really useful so give it a try!

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


A quick replacement for Laravel's basic templates, built with Bulma

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 95.6%Language:PHP 4.4%