MacroPower / tfdocs

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This package is autogenerated from the Terraform Registry for all the providers that are Official and Verified. If one is missing we can manually add them.

In the cmd/ there is the logic to generate the actual documentation of each Provider.

The generated documentation is placed inside a package providers/ with the name of the provider, so for aws would be providers/aws. Inside of it there are 2 files, one for the Resources (r.go) and another for the DataSources (d.go).


Each Provider package have the same 4 exported varables and functions

The exported variables and functions are:

var Resources []*Resource:

List of all the Resources of the Provider

func GetResource(r string) (*resource.Resource, error):

Returns the specific Resource for the resource type, example: aws_iam_user

var DataSources []*Resource:

List of all the DataSources of the Provider

func GetDataSource(r string) (*resource.Resource, error):

Returns the specific DataSource for the resource type, example: aws_vpcs

Icons (assets/)

To add icons we need a JSON that connects the resource name (aws_lb) to the actual path (Compute/Elastic-Load-Balancing-ELB.svg). This is done inside the assets/ directory, there we have a folder for each Provider that may have icons. The path to the actual JSON has to be assets/{{ ProviderName }}/icons.json and for the format is a simple KV where K == resource name and V == path.

The path has to be the one from the official Provider source after download:



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