MacWyznawca / homebridge-mqtt-switch-tasmota

Plugin to HomeBridge optimized to work with firmware Sonoff-Tasmota, MQTT.

Repository from Github https://github.comMacWyznawca/homebridge-mqtt-switch-tasmotaRepository from Github https://github.comMacWyznawca/homebridge-mqtt-switch-tasmota

2 gang Sonoff switch state

SzilagyiR opened this issue · comments


I have probelem with 2 gang switch state. When I power off one of the switches both will saw OFF.

I tried to use "activityTopic": "tele/ebedlo_k/LWT1" and LWT2 but nothing happend.

My code:
"accessory": "mqtt-switch-tasmota",
"name": "Dining room light 1",
"url": "mqtt://192.168.0.XX",
"username": "DVES_USER",
"password": "DVES_PASS",
"topics": {
"statusGet": "stat/ebedlo_k/POWER1",
"statusSet": "cmnd/ebedlo_k/power1"
"onValue": "ON",
"offValue": "OFF",
"activityTopic": "tele/ebedlo_k/LWT",
"activityParameter": "Online"
"accessory": "mqtt-switch-tasmota",
"name": "Dining room light 2",
"url": "mqtt://192.168.0.XX",
"username": "DVES_USER",
"password": "DVES_PASS",
"topics": {
"statusGet": "stat/ebedlo_k/POWER2",
"statusSet": "cmnd/ebedlo_k/power2"
"onValue": "ON",
"offValue": "OFF",
"activityTopic": "tele/ebedlo_k/LWT",
"activityParameter": "Online"
