MaboroshiChan / bot-plutus-interface

Unofficial PAB implementation

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Bot Plutus Interface (formerly MLabsPAB or Plutus Fake PAB)

This is a custom implementation of the PAB as the official one is not ready yet. This PAB is not feature complete, and not fully tested with all use cases, so please use it with care!

Disclaimer: this project is still a work in progress, with a few missing features. We don't take any responsibility for any losses, only use it at your own risk!

Supported features:

  • query utxos at an address (utxosAt)
  • evaluate Contract (not all features implemented, see the rest of this list for details)
  • pre balance tx (adding minimum amount of tx inputs based on fee and tx output value, balancing non ada outputs)
  • mint tokens, and send them to arbitrary address(es)
  • redeem utxos from validator scripts, using the correct datum and redeemer (scripts, datums and redeemers are persisted in files for now)
  • use validity time ranges
  • waiting for slots

Unsupported/In development

  • wallet integration
  • handling on-chain events (utxo set change, etc.)

How to use this?

Wiring up your own contract is pretty much the same as with the official PAB:

  1. Define your endpoints for the PAB
data MyContracts
  = Send SendParams
  | Collect CollectParams
  deriving stock
    (Show, Generic)
  deriving anyclass
    (FromJSON, ToJSON)
  1. Define a HasDefinitions instance for the endpoints
import BotPlutusInterface.Types (HasDefinitions (..), SomeBuiltin (..), endpointsToSchemas)
import Playground.Types (FunctionSchema)
import Schema (FormSchema)

instance HasDefinitions MyContracts where
  getDefinitions :: [MyContract]
  getDefinitions = []

  getSchema :: MyContracts -> [FunctionSchema FormSchema]
  getSchema = \case
    Send _ -> endpointsToSchemas @MyContractSchema
    Collect _ -> endpointsToSchemas @MyContractSchema

  getContract :: (MyContracts -> SomeBuiltin)
  getContract = \case
    Send params ->
      SomeBuiltin $
        MyContract.contract params
    Collect params ->
      SomeBuiltin $
        MyContract.contract params
  1. Write your main entrypoint for the application, with the preferred configurations
import BotPlutusInterface.Types (CLILocation (Local), LogLevel (Debug), PABConfig (..))
import Cardano.Api (NetworkId (Testnet), NetworkMagic (..))
import Data.Aeson qualified as JSON
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LazyByteString
import Data.Default (def)
import Servant.Client.Core (BaseUrl (BaseUrl), Scheme (Http))

main :: IO ()
main = do
  protocolParams <- JSON.decode <$> LazyByteString.readFile "protocol.json"
  let pabConf =
          { -- Calling the cli locally or through an ssh connection
            pcCliLocation = Local
          , pcNetwork = Testnet (NetworkMagic 42)
          , pcChainIndexUrl = BaseUrl Http "localhost" 9083 ""
          , pcPort = 9080
          , pcProtocolParams = protocolParams
          , pcTipPollingInterval = 10_000_000
          , -- | Slot configuration of the network, the default value can be used for the mainnet
            pcSlotConfig = def
          , pcOwnPubKeyHash = "0f45aaf1b2959db6e5ff94dbb1f823bf257680c3c723ac2d49f97546"
          , pcOwnStakePubKeyHash = Nothing
          , -- Directory name of the script and data files
            pcScriptFileDir = "./scripts"
          , -- Directory for the signing key file(s)
            pcSigningKeyFileDir = "./signing-keys"
          , -- Directory where the encoded transaction files will be saved
            pcTxFileDir = "./txs"
          , -- Dry run mode will build the tx, but skip the submit step
            pcDryRun = False
          , pcLogLevel = Debug
          , -- | Forced budget for scripts, as optional (CPU Steps, Memory Units)
            pcForceBudget = Nothing
          , -- Protocol params file location relative to the cardano-cli working directory (needed for the cli)
          , pcProtocolParamsFile = "./protocol.json"
          , pcEnableTxEndpoint = True
  BotPlutusInterface.runPAB @MyContracts pabConf

To run the fake PAB, you need to prepare a few more things:

  1. Save the protocol params file to the root folder of your project using the cardano-cli
cardano-cli query protocol-parameters --testnet-magic 42 --out-file protocol.json
  1. Create a signing-keys folder under your projects root with the necessary signig key file(s). The files should be named in the following format: signing-key-PUBKEYHASH.skey

Use the cardano-cli to find out the pub key hash for your key:

cardano-cli address key-hash --verification-key-file VERIFICATION_KEY.vkey

How does this work and how it is structured?

The fake PAB consists of the following modules:

  • BotPlutusInterface main entry point
  • BotPlutusInterface.Server Servant server, handling http endpoint calls and websockets
  • BotPlutusInterface.Contract handling contract effects by creating the necessary files and calling cardano-cli commands (a few effects are mocked)
  • BotPlutusInterface.Balance doing some preparations so the cli can process the rest (non-ada asset balancing, addig tx inputs, adding minimum lovelaces, add signatories)
  • BotPlutusInterface.CardanoCLI wrappers for cardano-cli commands
  • For development purposes, I created an ssh wrapper, so I can call relay these commands through an ssh connection. This is not nice, unsafe, and pretty slow, avoid using it if you can.
  • BotPlutusInterface.UtxoParser parse the output of the cardano-cli query utxo command
  • BotPlutusInterface.Files functions for handling script, datum and redeemer files
  • BotPlutusInterface.Types configuration for the fake pab
  • BotPlutusInterface.Balance prepare a transaction before sending to the cli for balancing. This includes:
    • adding tx inputs to cover fees and outputs
    • adding collaterals,
    • modifying tx outs to contain the minimum amount of lovelaces
    • balancing non ada outputs


Unofficial PAB implementation


Language:Haskell 90.6%Language:Nix 6.4%Language:Makefile 3.0%