MXSH-Dev / node-typescript-template

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Setup Express

  • Create a new folder and run the following commands:
# create new npm project
> npm init -y

# install express
> npm i express
  • Edit package.json:
// package.json
  "main": "app.js", // update "main" to "app.js"
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node src/app.js" // add "start" script
  • Create src/app.js:
// src/app.js
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  res.send("Hello World!");

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`πŸš€ Server listening at http://localhost:${port}`);
  • Run the app:
> npm start
  • Ensure the app is running by visiting http://localhost:3000 in your browser. You should see "Hello World!".

Setup Typescript

# install typescript and types for node and express
> npm i -D typescript @types/node @types/express

# initialize typescript
# the following command creates a tsconfig.json file
> npx tsc --init
  • Edit tsconfig.json:
// tsconfig.json
  // set out dir to dist
  "outDir": "./dist"
  • Edit package.json:
// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node dist/app.js", // run the main javascript file from the dist folder
    "build": "tsc" // compile typescript into javascript
  • Update src/app.js to src/app.ts:
// src/app.ts
import express, { Request, Response } from "express";

const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.get("/", (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  res.send("Hello World!");

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`πŸš€ Server listening at http://localhost:${port}`);
  • Run the app:
# compile typescript into javascript
> npm run build

# run the app
> npm start
  • Ensure the app is running by visiting http://localhost:3000 in your browser. You should see "Hello World!".

Setup ts-node-dev

> npm i -D ts-node-dev
  "scripts": {
    // compile typescript to javascript and run the app in watch mode
    // note: this DOES NOT output the transpiled .js files (ie. no .js files are created)
    "dev": "ts-node-dev src/app.ts"
  • Run the app:
> npm run dev
  • Ensure the app is running by visiting http://localhost:3000 in your browser. You should see "Hello World!".
  • Make a change to src/app.ts and save the file. The app should automatically restart and you should see the change in the browser.

Setup ESLint

# install eslint and typescript plugins
# go through the options
# make sure you choose "json" or "yaml" for the config file format so that you do not have to lint the .js config file

> npm init @eslint/config
  • Update .eslintrc.json:
  "parserOptions": {
    // ...
    "project": "./tsconfig.json"
  • Edit package.json to add lint script:
  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint src/**/*", // lint all files in src folder
    "lint:fix": "eslint src/**/* --fix" // lint and fix all files in src folder
  • Run the linter:
# lint all files in src folder and show the linting errors
> npm run lint
  • Run the linter and fix the errors:
# lint all files in src folder and fix the linting errors
> npm run lint:fix

Setup Prettier

# install prettier
> npm i -D prettier

# create .prettierrc.json file
> touch .prettierrc.json
  • Edit .prettierrc.json:
  // use double quotes instead of single quotes
  "singleQuote": false,

  // use 2 spaces for indentation
  "tabWidth": 2,

  // add trailing commas
  "trailingComma": "es5",

  // add semi colons
  "semi": true,

  // wrap prose at 80 characters
  "printWidth": 80
  • Install eslint-config-prettier plugin to turn off all eslint rules that conflict with prettier:
> npm i -D eslint-config-prettier
  • Edit .eslintrc.json:
  "extends": [
    // ...
    "prettier" // make sure this is last to have the greatest precedence

Setup Sorting Imports with Eslint

Setup Native ESLint Plugin to Sort Imports

  • Edit .eslintrc.json:
  "rules": {
    "sort-imports": [
        /* default options */
        "ignoreCase": false,
        "ignoreMemberSort": false,
        "memberSyntaxSortOrder": ["none", "all", "multiple", "single"],
        /* custom options */
        "ignoreDeclarationSort": true, // don"t want to sort import lines, use eslint-plugin-import instead
        "allowSeparatedGroups": true

Setup the ESLint Plugin Import to Sort Imports

  • This plugin gives more control over how imports are sorted than the native ESLint plugin
# install the ESLint plugin to sort imports
> npm i -D eslint-plugin-import
  • Edit .eslintrc.json
  "plugins": [
    // ...
    "import" // add the "eslint-plugin-import" plugin
  "extends": [
    // ...
    "plugin:import/recommended", // for the recommended rule set
    "plugin:import/typescript" // for the typescript rule set
  "rules": {
    // ...

    // turn on errors for missing imports
    "import/no-unresolved": "error",
    // optionally: turn off errors for named exports that are not exported
    // (if you get a lot of errors for this, you can turn it off)
    "import/no-named-as-default-member": "off",
    "import/order": [
        "groups": [
          "builtin", // Built-in imports (come from NodeJS native) go first
          "external", // <- External imports
          "internal", // <- Absolute imports
          ["sibling", "parent"], // <- Relative imports, the sibling and parent types they can be mingled together
          "index", // <- index imports
          "unknown" // <- unknown
        "newlines-between": "always",
        "alphabetize": {
          /* sort in ascending order. Options: ["ignore", "asc", "desc"] */
          "order": "asc",
          /* ignore case. Options: [true, false] */
          "caseInsensitive": true
  • NOTE: make sure source.organizeImports is set to false in your vscode settings.
    • source.organizeImports will use VSCode's rule set to organize imports. This may conflict with the ESLint plugin import, and you may get linting errors even after you have fixed the imports.

Setup Git Hooks

# install and setup husky
> npx husky-init && npm install
  • Edit .husky/pre-commit:
# keep the top of the file as is

# delete: "npm test"

# add the following line
# runs the "pre-commit" script in package.json when you commit
npm run pre-commit
  • Edit package.json:
  "scripts": {
    "pre-commit": "npm run lint:fix && npm run format"
  • Run the following command to add a pre-push hook
# runs the "pre-push" script in package.json when you push
> npx husky add .husky/pre-push "npm run pre-push"
  • Edit package.json:
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Running Tests\"",
    "pre-push": "npm run test"

Setup Lint Staged

  • lint staged allows you to lint and format only the files that you have staged
# install lint-staged
> npm i -D lint-staged
  • Edit package.json:
  "scripts": {
    "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
  "lint-staged": {
    // lint and fix only the files that you have staged
    "*": ["prettier --write --ignore-unknown"],
    "*.{js,ts}": ["eslint --fix"]

Setup Testing with Mocha

# install mocha and its types
> npm i -D mocha @types/mocha
# install ts-node to run typescript files with mocha
> npm i -D ts-node
  • Edit package.json to add the test scripts:
  "scripts": {
    // build the app (compile typescript to javascript files), and run all the test files using mocha
    "test": "npm run build && mocha dist/tests/**/*.js",
    // run all the test files in watch mode
    "test:dev": "mocha -r ts-node/register 'tests/**/*.ts' --watch --watch-files 'src/**/*,tests/**/*'"
    // -r ts-node/register 'tests/**/*.ts': register ts-node to run typescript files
    // --watch: watch for changes
    // --watch-files 'src/**/*.ts,tests/**/*.ts': watch for changes in these files
  • Create a test file tests/app.test.ts (create the tests folder beside the src folder, not inside it):
// tests/app.test.ts
import assert from "assert";

describe("Array", function () {
  describe("#indexOf()", function () {
    it("should return -1 when the value is not present", function () {
      assert.equal([1, 2, 3].indexOf(4), -1);
  • Since we now have a tests folder beside the src folder, the dist/ folder will have a src/ and tests/ folder when typescript is compiled to javascript
  • Update the "start" script in package.json to run the app.js file which is under the dist/src folder:
  "scripts": {
    // run the app.js file which is now under the dist/src folder instead of the dist folder
    // this is because we now have a tests folder beside the src folder
    "start": "node dist/src/app.js"
  • Run the tests:
# run all the test files using mocha
> npm test
  • Run the tests in watch mode:
# run all the test files in watch mode
> npm run test:dev

Setup testing libraries: chai, sinon, and proxyquire

# install chai and its types
> npm i -D chai @types/chai
# install sinon and its types
> npm i -D sinon @types/sinon
# install proxyquire and its types
> npm i -D proxyquire @types/proxyquire
  • Create a test file tests/app.test.ts (create the tests folder beside the src folder, not inside it):
// tests/app.test.ts
import assert from "assert";
import chai from "chai";
import sinon from "sinon";
import proxyquire from "proxyquire";

const expect = chai.expect;

describe("Array", function () {
  describe("#indexOf()", function () {
    it("should return -1 when the value is not present", function () {
      assert.equal([1, 2, 3].indexOf(4), -1);



Language:TypeScript 88.6%Language:Shell 11.4%