MUHAMMADSiyab / PHP-Form-Validation-Library

Performs Server-Side validation of HTML Forms

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PHP Form Validation Library

Performs Server-Side validation of HTML Forms

Downloading and implementation

  • Download the zip file manually and include in your project directory
    OR (Using Composer)
    run command composer require muhammadsiyab/form_validation
  • Include Form_Validation library
    require_once './vendor/autoload.php'; 

Validating form


// Instantiate `Form_Validation` Class
$form_validation = new \FormValidation\Form_Validation();

// Array containing custom messages 
// (Optional parameter, if not passed, default error messages will be used)

$messages = array(
    'required' => '{field} is cumpolsary',
    'max_length' => '{field} must be in limit of {limit}',
    'min_length' => '{field} must be at least of {limit} characters',
    'regex' => '{field} must be in specific pattern'

// Validation rules
$form_validation->validate(array('field_name', 'field_label', 'required|>10|<3', $messages));

// Check whether a record exists in database
$form_validation->exists('field_name|field_label', 'localhost|user|password|db_name', 'table_name|column_name', 'custom_error');

// Check
if ($form_validation->is_form_ok() === false) {
    // Custom error markup
    $form_validation->set_error_markup('<li>', '</li>');
    // Showing validation errors
    $errors = $form_validation->show_validation_errors();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($errors); $i++) {

        echo $errors[$i];
} else {
        // Do something here

Available methods

1. validate

Validates the form using specified rules

  • array $config Array that contains validation configuration
    array('field_name', 'field_label', 'validation_rules_separated_with_pipe', array_containing_custom_messages)

2. exists

Checks whether a value already exists in database

  • string $field Data related with field e.g name & label



  • string $db Database connection details e.g host, user, password & database name



  • string $table Data related with table e.g table name & column name



  • string $error (Optional) Custom error to show

3. set_error_markup

Sets custom markup for validation errors

  • string $opening_markup String containing opening markup


    '<span style="color: red">'

  • string $closing_markup String containing closing markup



4. show_validation_errors

@return type Array (Use for loop to iterate through errors)

Shows validation errors

5. is_form_ok

Checks whether validation is done with errors or not

Available validation rules

Rule Description Syntax
required Checks if a field is empty required
numeric Checks if a field is not a number numeric
email Checks if email is invalid email
url Checks if url is invalid url
ip Checks if IP address is invalid ip
min_length Sets the minimum length of field <6
max_length Sets the maximum length of field >10
regex Performs regular expression for the field matches/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/


Performs Server-Side validation of HTML Forms


Language:PHP 100.0%