MSarmadQadeer / notes-keeper

It can store notes for you in your browser's local storage. This project is a playground to work with the browser's local storage

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comMSarmadQadeer/notes-keeperRepository from Github https://github.comMSarmadQadeer/notes-keeper

📒 notes-keeper

This project is a notes keeper page where you write and save your notes, pieces of advice, grocery items, or in short whatever you want. Your notes will store in your browse's local storage so nobody else on the internet can access your notes.


Its created in HTML, CSS, and JS. Its created with the concept of DOM manipulation in JS. It stores your data in your browser's local storage.


site link

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It can store notes for you in your browser's local storage. This project is a playground to work with the browser's local storage


Language:CSS 36.6%Language:HTML 33.7%Language:JavaScript 29.7%