Using ROS and QR code tracking with a Turtlebot 2 to detect and map QR codes in 3D space.
Workflow: Use SLAM to map the space and run AMCL to navigate the robot. As QR codes' are detected by the camera, markers will be published at the QR codes positions.
- Turtlebot 2
- ROS Melodic (Ubuntu 18.04)
- Camera (Orbbec Astra used here)
- visp_auto_tracker
- slam_gmapping
- Lidar
- catkin_make the packages mentioned in the Requirements section
- use gmapping to SLAM the space
- with AMCL running, run the script
- navigate space, as the camera detects the QR codes, the markers will be published (note: you may need to turn on the marker visibility after the first is detected - it may not appear as a topic until the first detection is made. If this is the case, kill and rerun the python script after turning on the marker topic visibility)
- The ultimate goal of this project would include developing an interface with a database accessible upon scanning the QR codes. This would provide a new workflow for site issue management and coordination, giving stakeholders the ability to communicate and track issues and bind them to 3D coordinates accessible in other BIM software.
- The markers in the current code do not use the proper frame when set. As such, they don't properly populate in RViz and seem to move around with the robot.
- ROS Markers
- Check Sheets & Punch Lists description for those unaware
Credits: Based on IAAC publishing guidelines: BIMLinkBot is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. developed at Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction in 2021-2022 by:
Students: Alfred Bowles, Amy Yeo Jeong Kim, Chris Booth, Robert Michael Blackburn, Tomas Quijano
Faculty: Carlos Rizzo, Vincent Huyghe