IAAC MRAC 01 - Sofware II Project using QR code tracking with a Turtlebot 2 to detect and map QR codes in 3D space

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Using ROS and QR code tracking with a Turtlebot 2 to detect and map QR codes in 3D space.

Workflow: Use SLAM to map the space and run AMCL to navigate the robot. As QR codes' are detected by the camera, markers will be published at the QR codes positions.


Getting Started:

  • catkin_make the packages mentioned in the Requirements section
  • use gmapping to SLAM the space
  • with AMCL running, run the script
  • navigate space, as the camera detects the QR codes, the markers will be published (note: you may need to turn on the marker visibility after the first is detected - it may not appear as a topic until the first detection is made. If this is the case, kill and rerun the python script after turning on the marker topic visibility)

Future Improvements:

  • The ultimate goal of this project would include developing an interface with a database accessible upon scanning the QR codes. This would provide a new workflow for site issue management and coordination, giving stakeholders the ability to communicate and track issues and bind them to 3D coordinates accessible in other BIM software.
  • The markers in the current code do not use the proper frame when set. As such, they don't properly populate in RViz and seem to move around with the robot.


Credits: Based on IAAC publishing guidelines: BIMLinkBot is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. developed at Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction in 2021-2022 by:

Students: Alfred Bowles, Amy Yeo Jeong Kim, Chris Booth, Robert Michael Blackburn, Tomas Quijano

Faculty: Carlos Rizzo, Vincent Huyghe


IAAC MRAC 01 - Sofware II Project using QR code tracking with a Turtlebot 2 to detect and map QR codes in 3D space


Language:Python 100.0%