Pocket-Blockchain is a blockchain system built from scratch, developed for the further integration in different projects, understanding some blockchain concepts by using test stand or just having fun experiments.
- Python
- Python Flask
- Flask SQLAlchemy
- PostgreSQL
- Vite + Vue.js 3 + Vue router + Pinia
- Gunicorn
- Nginx
- Docker + Docker Compose
- communication of all system components;
- setting the initial system settings;
- setting the complexity of creating blocks based on the PoW algorithm;
- setting a reward for creating a new block based on the PoW algorithm.
- users creation;
- users anonymity;
- users storage. This item is implemented for informational and debugging purposes, however, in real conditions, there should not be any users storage;
- serialization and deserialization of users. This item is implemented for informational and debugging purposes, however, in real conditions, there should not be any storage of users.
- transactions creation;
- blocking users until transaction is confirmed;
- placing transactions in a pool of unconfirmed transactions;
- balance check;
- signature of transactions;
- verification of transaction signatures;
- verification of ownership of transactions;
- transaction authentication;
- serialization and deserialization of transactions.
- creation of new blocks;
- getting available blocks;
- use of Proof of Work algorithm to create a unique block hash identifier;
- confirmation of Proof of Work algorithm;
- serialization and deserialization of data blocks.
- processing of unspent transactions of system users - cache;
- cache serialization and deserialization.
- creation of a unique hash identifier for all transactions stored in the block.
- storage and processing of the system state;
- providing API methods for interacting with the system.
A relational database is used to store the state of the system. Database tables have the following structure:
- Table b - storage of data blocks;
- Table l - storage of the hash identifier of the last block;
- Table c - cache storage;
- Table p - storage of a pool of unconfirmed transactions.
[GET]: /api/get_wallets - gell all wallets with balances.
[GET]: /api/get_blocks - get all blocks.
[GET]: /api/get_chainstate - get chainstate (cache - unspent transactions).
[GET]: /api/get_pool - get transactions pool (unconfirmed transactions).
[POST]: /api/new_wallet - creation of a new wallet.
[POST] {from, to, amount}: /api/send - send sign units from someone to someone.
[POST] {address, txAmount}: /api/mine_block - mine new block with amount of tranactions.
[POST]: /api/reset_system - system reset with training data generation.
new_wallet # create new wallet
init_system(address) # init system by address
get_balance(address) # get user balance
send(from, to, amount) # send some amount if sign unit from someone to someone
mine_block(amount) # mine block with amount of transactions specified
show_blocks # show all information of all blocks
# Example
# Import BlockChain and db to create blockchain system instance
from app.blockchain_app.blockchain import BlockChain
from app.app import db
# Create blockchain system instance by passing db instance
bc = BlockChain(db)
# Create wallets
address1 = bc.new_wallet()
address2 = bc.new_wallet()
address3 = bc.new_wallet()
address4 = bc.new_wallet()
address5 = bc.new_wallet()
address6 = bc.new_wallet()
address7 = bc.new_wallet()
address8 = bc.new_wallet()
# Init blockchain system, 10 sign units (our coins) - reward
# Get balance of address1.
# address1 should have 10 sign units.
# We can send sign units that we have to someone.
# All we need is to know the address.
# That is how transactions are created and added to the pool - pool of unconfirmed transactions.
# Once a new transaction is created and added to pool, you can not use your wallet to
# create new transactions until it confirmed (added to a new block).
bc.send(address1, address2, 3)
bc.send(address1, address3, 2)
bc.send(address1, address4, 1)
bc.send(address1, address5, 1)
bc.send(address1, address6, 1)
bc.send(address1, address7, 1)
bc.send(address1, address8, 1)
# Sending sign units
bc.send(address2, address1, 1)
bc.send(address3, address1, 1)
bc.send(address4, address1, 1)
bc.send(address5, address1, 1)
bc.send(address6, address1, 1)
bc.send(address7, address1, 1)
bc.send(address8, address1, 1)
# After all (in this example) we have 7 transactions in pool from 7 different wallets.
# We can create two blocks: one with 2 transactions, one with 3 transactions in a block (5 - default).
# There will be 2 transactions in a pool (not verified).
bc.mine_block(address2, 2)
bc.mine_block(address2, 3)
# Balances
bc.get_balance(address1) # 75
bc.get_balance(address2) # 22
bc.get_balance(address3) # 1
bc.get_balance(address4) # 0
bc.get_balance(address5) # 0
bc.get_balance(address6) # 0
bc.get_balance(address7) # 1
bc.get_balance(address8) # 1
# Get all information about all blocks in blockchain system
You can build this project with Docker + Docker Compose by using build.sh script:
cd docker_build
source build.sh
docker ps
... pocket_blockchain_app>5001/tcp, :::5001->5001/tcp app
... postgres>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp db
... pocket_blockchain_nginx>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp nginx
Or by running this command from the docker_build directory:
cd docker_build
docker-compose --project-name pocket_blockchain up -d --build --force-recreate
docker ps
... pocket_blockchain_app>5001/tcp, :::5001->5001/tcp app
... postgres>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp db
... pocket_blockchain_nginx>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp nginx
After project build or start up you can use test stand. Just go to:
Test stand uses all supported API methods, so that you can try this system / interact with system.
Test stand will look like this: