MPozek / Pickle

A better object picker for Unity engine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A better Object picking solution for Unity.


What is Pickle?

Pickle is a collection of Editor scripts and Attributes that aim to replicate and extend the behaviour of the default UnityEngine.Object picker.


Using OpenUPM CLI: openupm add com.mpozek.pickle

Or manually:

  1. open the Unity Package Manager (Windows/Package Manager)
  2. click the add package button and choose the "add package from git URL" option


  1. paste the git url and click Add

That's it! Unity should handle the rest of downloading and adding Pickle to your project.

Why use Pickle?

  • it correctly displays scene Components and prefabs in the picker if they match the field type
  • it allows you to choose if the object picker will display only assets, scene objects or both
  • it offers a way to define further filtering methods per attribute
  • it can open the Object selector in a window, or a dropdown, depending on which you find neater
  • it works on both fields and arrays/lists of types derived from UnityEngine.Object
  • it looks exactly like the built-in unity object picker so you can keep your editor UI feeling clean and natural
  • it's easy, just add the [Pickle] attribute above your field

Usage example

// it's easy
public Rigidbody DefaultPicker;

// open the picker as a dropdown, this is the default behaviour
[Pickle(PickerType = PickerType.Dropdown)]
public GameObject DropdownPicker;

// open the picker in a new window
[Pickle(PickerType = PickerType.Window)]
public GameObject CustomWindowPicker;

// supports both arrays and lists
public Rigidbody[] RigidbodyArray;
public List<Rigidbody> RigidbodyList;

// narrow down the allowed objects on the field, the default is both assets and scene
[Pickle(LookupType = ObjectProviderType.Scene)]
public Transform OnlySceneObjects;

[Pickle(LookupType = ObjectProviderType.Assets)]
public Transform OnlyPrefabs;

[Pickle(LookupType = ObjectProviderType.Children)]
public Transform OnlyChildrenOfThisObject;

[Pickle(LookupType = ObjectProviderType.RootChildren)]
public Transform OnlyChildrenOfTheRootOfThisObject;

[Pickle(LookupType = ObjectProviderType.Assets | ObjectProviderType.Scene)]
public Transform AnyAssetOrSceneObject;

// use a custom method to filter your results
[Pickle(LookupType = ObjectProviderType.Scene, FilterMethodName = nameof(CustomFilter))]
public UnityEngine.UI.Image ImagesWithCustomFilter;

private bool CustomFilter(ObjectTypePair item)

[Header("Auto picking")]
[Pickle(AutoPickMode = AutoPickMode.GetComponent)]
public Transform MyTransform;

[Pickle(AutoPickMode = AutoPickMode.GetComponentInChildren)]
public MeshRenderer ChildRenderer;

[Pickle(AutoPickMode = AutoPickMode.GetComponentInParent)]
public Rigidbody ParentRigidbody;

[Pickle(AutoPickMode = AutoPickMode.FindObject)]
public Camera SceneCamera;

// since version 1.2.0 you can add additional type filters to, for example, filter only interface implementers
public UnityEngine.Object AnyObjectImplementingTheInterface;


A better object picker for Unity engine

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%