MPK-MrPandaKing / cw-rep

Reputation and skill system based on mz-skills

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • A database held skill/XP system for qb (optimized from mz-skills)
  • Full backwards compatibility with mz-skills exports (no need to upgrade all your scripts using mz skills)
  • Supports QB menu and OX menu

All credit to MrZainRP for mz-skills which this is based on. Great script.

Something cw-rep DOES NOT have: GTAs standard character skills

QB menu is supported... but probably won't recieve many updates or fixes unless critical, and might have limited functionality compared to OX

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  • Download the resource and drop it to your resource folder. Make sure the folder is named cw-rep
  • If you're installing from scratch: Import the SQL file to your server's database (i.e. run the sql file and make sure the database runs)
  • If you are changing from mz-skills:
    • Make sure to update the cw-rep skills in the Config to match mz-skills if you want to keep the names you have
    • Remove the mz-skills folder
  • Add start cw-rep to your server.cfg (or simply make sure cw-rep is in your [qb] folder)

CW-rep has a new (optimized) database format compared to mz-skills, but this conversion is done while the script is being used. This might cause some older unused characters to still have the old format until used


You'll probably want to do some setup for this script, so make sure to familiarize yourself with the config. There are some minor differences between this and mz, but the script should be able to rewrite your mz-skills database data into cw-rep on the fly as long as the names in Config.Skills match.

You can define skills like this:

    lockpicking = { -- if you want to use names with spaces you'll need to type it as "['Lockicking Skill'] = {" for example
        icon = 'fas fa-unlock', -- icon that shows in the menu
        label = 'Lockpicking' -- Label that is displayed in the menu (defaults to name of the skill, just like mz skills if this is not defined)

Find icon names here

Note: cw rep does not come with the same default skills/rep as mz-skills so you will need to update the config

If you want a skill that also sends the player notifications at certain levels you can define them like this:

    lockpicking = { -- if you want to use names with spaces you'll need to type it as "['Lockicking Skill'] = {" for example
        icon = 'fas fa-unlock', -- icon that shows in the menu
        label = 'Lockpicking' -- Label that is displayed in the menu (defaults to name of the skill, just like mz skills if this is not defined)
        messages = {
            { notify = true, level = 50, message = "You're not horrible with that lockpick anymore" },
            { notify = true, level = 100, message = "You start feeling better with that lockpick in your hand" },
            { notify = true, level = 200, message = "You're getting good with a lockpick" },
            { notify = true, level = 300, message = "You feel like you're nailing lockpicking now" },
            { notify = true, level = 350, message = "No tumbler will go untouched. You're like the Lockpicking Lawyer!" },

The important thing here is the notify = true because without that you'll instead be sending emails! Email notifications are great for job reputation or area reputation for example. Here's how to define one with emails:

    foodelivery = {
        icon = 'fas fa-star',
        label = 'Food delivery job rep',
        messages = {
            { level = 50, message = "You're doing a great job", sender = "FeedStars HR", subject = "FeedStars" },
            { level = 100, message = "We just wanted to tell you that we love you! ❤", sender = "FeedStars HR", subject = "FeedStars" },
            { level = 220, message = "Keep up that delivering! ❤", sender = "FeedStars HR", subject = "FeedStars" },
            { level = 300, message = "You're a real Food STAR! ⭐", sender = "FeedStars HR", subject = "FeedStars" },
            { level = 500, message = "Do you even have a life?? Employee of the year!", sender = "FeedStars HR", subject = "FeedStars" },

Skill levels

Default Skill levels are defined in Config.DefaultLevels and you can customize these to your liking, but you can also make custom levels for each individual skill, for example the streetreputation:

    streetreputation = {
        icon = 'fas fa-mask',
        skillLevels = {
            { title = "Unknown", from = 00, to = 1000 },
            { title = "Rookie", from = 1000, to = 2000 },
            { title = "Hustler", from = 2000, to = 3000 },
            { title = "Crimer", from = 3000, to = 4000 },
            { title = "Urban Enforcer", from = 5000, to = 6000 },
            { title = "Renagade", from = 6000, to = 7000 },
            { title = "Underboss", from = 8000, to = 9000 },
            { title = "Boss", from = 9000, to = 10000 }, 

title is optional

As you can see, you should also include a sender and a subject here.

You can also find these examples in the Config.

Using cw-rep


To Update a skill please use the following export:

    exports["cw-rep"]:updateSkill(skillName, amount)

For example, to update "Searching" from bin-diving (as used with mz-bins)

    exports["cw-rep"]:updateSkill("Searching", 1)

You can randomise the amount of skill gained, for example:

   local searchgain = math.random(1, 3)
   exports["cw-rep"]:updateSkill("Searching", searchgain)

The export to check to see if a skill is equal or greater than a particular value is as follows:

    exports["cw-rep"]:checkSkill(skill, val)

You can use this to lock content behind a particular level, for example:

exports["cw-rep"]:checkSkill("Searching", 100, function(hasskill)
    if hasskill then
        QBCore.Functions.Notify('You need at least 100XP in Searching to do this.', "error", 3500)

Or as an alternative this:

    local hasSkill = exports["cw-rep"]:playerHasEnoughSkill("Searching", 100)
    if hasSkill then
        -- do thing

The two above work sorta the same, just different ways to get the same result

The export to obtain a player's current skill to interact with other scripts is as follows:


This one differs from mz-skills in that it directly returns the value. In Mz-skills you'd have to do .Current to get the value. If you use GetCurrentSkill (big G) it returns the same way as mz-skills used to do

To get the the level, rather than the skill amount/xp:



    local xp = exports["cw-rep"]:getCurrentSkill('crafting')
    local level = exports["cw-rep"]:getCurrentLevel('crafting')
    print('You are level ', level, ' in crafting. Your XP is', xp)

If you want info of a skill (what's defined in the config: label for example)


Example usage:

    local skillInfo = exports["cw-rep"]:getSkillInfo('gun_crafting')
    print('Label of gun_crafting is', skillInfo.label)
    print('Icon of gun_crafting is', skillInfo.icon)


To Update a skill please use the following export:

    exports["cw-rep"]:updateSkill(source, skillName, amount)

source should obviously be the player source An example of how to use this would be:

    exports["cw-rep"]:updateSkill(source, 'lockpicking', 10)

The export to check to get player skills:


An example of how to use this would be:

    local playerSkills = exports["cw-rep"]:fetchSkills(source)
    print('Player with source',source, ' lockpicking skills:',playerSkills.lockpicking)

source should obviously be the player source

Radial Menu

For radial menu access to "skills" command add this to qb-radialmenu/config.lua somewhere that looks fitting:

    [3] = {
        id = 'skills',
        title = 'Check Skills',
        icon = 'triangle-exclamation',
        type = 'client',
        event = 'cw-rep:client:CheckSkills',
        shouldClose = true,




Reputation and skill system based on mz-skills

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Lua 100.0%