MJZawacki / mmapathon_team21

GE Mind and Machine Appathon team 21

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The web app running on Predix with Power BI reports embeded

This Timeseries UI app is intended to show you how to request and plot time series data from the heatpump timeseries instance. Please note that another timeseries instance is available with ESB load & weather data and the seed-app is already configured to communicate with that instance.

Get the source code

Make a directory for your project. Clone or download and extract this project in that directory.

> git clone https://github.com/PredixDev/minds-machines-sf.git
> cd minds-machines-sf/Seed\ Apps/timeseries_seed_app

Install tools

If you don't have them already, you'll need node, bower and gulp to be installed globally on your machine.

  1. Install node. This includes npm - the node package manager.
  2. Install bower globally npm install bower -g
  3. Install gulp globally npm install gulp -g

App setup

After navigating to the timeseries_seed_app directory, install the dependencies.

> npm install && bower install

To customize the application name do a global search and replace of your__app__title.

your__app__title is the name used in user-facing files like public/_index.html.

Running the app locally

The default gulp task will start a local web server. Just run this command:


Browse to http://localhost:5000. The app is already configured data to retrieve data from the shared time series instances.

If you want to link your local seed app to your team's Timeseries and UAA instances, copy over your UAA URL and Timeseries ZoneId (both unique to your instance) from predix-scripts/log/quickstart-summary.txt...

Predix Services Configuration
UAA URL: https://<your-uaa-identity>.predix-uaa.run.aws-usw02-pr.ice.predix.io
TimeSeries ZoneID: <your-unique-zone-id>

... then paste them into your node app's local-config.js (timeseries_seed_app/server/local-config.js)

"predix-timeseries": [
        "credentials": {
            "query": {
                "zone-http-header-value": "{The Zone ID for the Timeseries Service Created in your space}"
"predix-uaa": [
        "credentials": {
            "uri": "{The UAA URI end point in your space to get auth token}"

Running in Predix Cloud


Before pushing your app to the cloud, ensure that your team space is setup by following the How To Setup Your Predix Space guide. You can also find information on the services in your space there.

Pushing (deploying) to a cloud environment requires knowledge of the commands involved and a valid user account with the environment. GE uses Cloud Foundry for its cloud platform. For information on Cloud Foundry, refer to this link.


The simplest way to push the Timeseries seed app to a cloud environment is by modifying the manifest file (manifest.yml) and using the cf push command, as follows:

  1. Update manifest.yml

    Change the name field in your manifest.yml. The service names below are configured to match those deployed by the quickstart script. They will be bound to your app after deploying.

      - name: MMSanFrancisco-ui
        memory: 512M
        buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
        command: node server/app.js
        path: dist
     - mmsanfranciscoteam-time-series
     - mmsanfranciscoteam-uaa
     - MMSanFrancisco_uaa_admin
     - MMSanFrancisco_timeseries_heatPump
     - MMSanFrancisco_timeseries_loadData
        node_env: cloud
        clientId: app_client_id
        clientSecret: secret
  2. Push to the cloud.

    cf push
  3. Access the cloud deployment of your Starter application

The output of the cf push command includes the URL to which your application was deployed. Below is an example:

Showing health and status for app MMSanFrancisco-ui in org my-org / space dev as developer@gmail.com...

requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 512M x 1 instances
urls: mmsanfrancisco-ui.run.aws-usw02-pr.ice.predix.io
last uploaded: Wed Oct 10 23:40:10 UTC 2017
stack: cflinuxfs2
buildpack: nodejs_buildpack

state     since                    cpu    memory          disk           details
#0   running   2017-10-10 04:41:12 PM   0.0%   57.9M of 512M   126.6M of 1G

Access your Starter application by adding "https://" to the beginning of the URL, and loading that URL in a web browser.


GE Mind and Machine Appathon team 21


Language:HTML 96.4%Language:JavaScript 3.2%Language:CSS 0.4%