Visual Inertial Odometry with SLAM capabilities and 3D Mesh generation.

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double free or corruption (out) Aborted(core dumped) when running stereoVIOEuroc.bash

ujasmandavia opened this issue · comments

double free or corruption (out)
./scripts/stereoVIOEuroc.bash: line 109: 1707011 Aborted (core dumped)

I'm getting this error while running stereoVIOEuroc.bash. I have changed the GTSAM syntax at certain place since I'm using the 4.2 version of GTSAM but I'm able to compile the code perfectly


bash ./scripts/stereoVIOEuroc.bash -p /home/ujas/Euroc/V1_01_easy

Console output:

double free or corruption (out)
./scripts/stereoVIOEuroc.bash: line 109: 1707011 Aborted                 (core dumped) $BUILD_PATH/stereoVIOEuroc --dataset_type="$DATASET_TYPE" --dataset_path="$DATASET_PATH" --initial_k=50 --final_k=10000 --params_folder_path="$PARAMS_PATH" --use_lcd="$USE_LCD" --vocabulary_path="$VOCABULARY_PATH/ORBvoc.yml" --flagfile="$PARAMS_PATH/flags/stereoVIOEuroc.flags" --flagfile="$PARAMS_PATH/flags/Mesher.flags" --flagfile="$PARAMS_PATH/flags/VioBackend.flags" --flagfile="$PARAMS_PATH/flags/RegularVioBackend.flags" --flagfile="$PARAMS_PATH/flags/Visualizer3D.flags" --logtostderr=1 --colorlogtostderr=1 --log_prefix=1 --v=0 --vmodule=Pipeline*=00 --log_output="$LOG_OUTPUT" --log_euroc_gt_data="$LOG_OUTPUT" --save_frontend_images=1 --visualize_frontend_images=1 --output_path="$OUTPUT_PATH"

Additional files:
Please attach all the files needed to reproduce the error.

Please give also the following information:

  • Kimera-Vio branch, tag or commit used: 641576f
  • GTSAM version used: 4.2, the latest version
  • OpenGV version used:
  • OpenCV version used: type opencv_version
  • Operating system and version (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 or Windows 10):
  • Did you change the source code? (yes / no): yes, changes it to my GTSAM version

Me as well. I had followed exactly what was given. The issue also crops up when building the tests. Not sure exactly which test build fails but the same error crops up.

The issue got fixed with the following commits and adding the following dependencies.

Gtsam - 686e16aaa
Note: Install libmetis-dev along with libboost-all-dev

Opencv - tags/3.3.1
Note: opencv_contrib takes same commit

RPGO - 8c5e163

I guess the issue crops up if you don't have libmetis installed.