Github OAuth2 is a comprehensive utility designed for Github integration, offering robust functionalities for user authentication and profile management.
- 🚀 Streamlined OAuth2 workflow for seamless user authentication and authorization.
- 📦 Retrieve comprehensive user profiles, including details like username, avatar, and other.
$ npm install @mgalacyber/github-oauth2
$ yarn add @mgalacyber/github-oauth2
const { GithubOAuth2 } = require("@mgalacyber/github-oauth2");
import { GithubOAuth2 } from "@mgalacyber/github-oauth2";
- Create a new application on the Github Developer
- Follow guide from official Github Documentation
const { GithubOAuth2 } = require("@mgalacyber/github-oauth2");
const oauth2 = new GithubOAuth2({
clientId: "123456789012345678", // Required
clientSecret: "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890", // Required
redirectUri: "" // Required
const { Scopes } = require("@mgalacyber/github-oauth2");
scope: [ // Required
loginAccount: "Username", // Optional
allowSignUp: true // Optional
}).then((result) => {
// Response {
// state: string,
// url: string,
// }
oauth2.GetAccessToken(callbackCode).then((result) => {
// Response {
// accessToken: string,
// tokenType: string,
// scope: string,
// }
- Follow guide from official Github Documentation
Require scope for this function:
- Use the
scope to retrieve the user profile. - Use the
scope to retrieve the user'spublic repository
andprivate repository
accessToken: "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890", // Required
userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0", // Required
}).then((result) => {
// Response {
// login: string;
// id: number;
// nodeId: string;
// avatarUrl: string;
// gravatarId: string;
// url: string;
// htmlUrl: string;
// followersUrl: string;
// followingUrl: string;
// gistsUrl: string;
// starredUrl: string;
// subscriptionsUrl: string;
// organizationsUrl: string;
// reposUrl: string;
// eventsUrl: string;
// receivedEventsUrl: string;
// type: string;
// siteAdmin: boolean;
// name: string;
// company: string;
// blog: string;
// location: string;
// email: string;
// hireable: boolean;
// bio: string;
// twitterUsername: string;
// publicRepos: number;
// publicGists: number;
// followers: number;
// following: number;
// createdAt: string;
// updatedAt: string;
// privateGists: string;
// totalPrivateRepos: number;
// ownedPrivateRepos: number;
// diskUsage: number;
// collaborators: number;
// twoFactorAuthentication: boolean;
// plan: {
// name: string;
// space: number;
// collaborators: number;
// privateRepos: number;
// }
// }
Require scope for this function:
- Use the
scope to retrieve the user'spublic repository
andprivate repository
accessToken: "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890", // Required
userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0", // Required
}).then((result) => {
// Response {
// id: number;
// nodeId: string;
// name: string;
// fullName: string;
// private: boolean;
// owner: {
// login: string;
// id: number;
// nodeId: string;
// avatarUrl: string;
// gravatarId: string;
// url: string;
// htmlUrl: string;
// followersUrl: string;
// followingUrl: string;
// gistsUrl: string;
// starredUrl: string;
// subscriptionsUrl: string;
// organizationsUrl: string;
// reposUrl: string;
// eventsUrl: string;
// receivedEventsUrl: string;
// type: string;
// siteAdmin: boolean;
// };
// htmlUrl: string;
// description: string;
// fork: boolean;
// url: string;
// forksUrl: string;
// keysUrl: string;
// collaboratorsUrl: string;
// teamsUrl: string;
// hooksUrl: string;
// issueEventsUrl: string;
// eventsUrl: string;
// assigneesUrl: string;
// branchesUrl: string;
// tagsUrl: string;
// blobsUrl: string;
// gitTagsUrl: string;
// gitRefsUrl: string;
// treesUrl: string;
// statusesUrl: string;
// languagesUrl: string;
// stargazersUrl: string;
// contributorsUrl: string;
// subscribersUrl: string;
// subscriptionUrl: string;
// commitsUrl: string;
// gitCommitsUrl: string;
// commentsUrl: string;
// issueCommentUrl: string;
// contentsUrl: string;
// compareUrl: string;
// mergesUrl: string;
// archiveUrl: string;
// downloadsUrl: string;
// issuesUrl: string;
// pullsUrl: string;
// milestonesUrl: string;
// notificationsUrl: string;
// labelsUrl: string;
// releasesUrl: string;
// deploymentsUrl: string;
// createdAt: string;
// updatedAt: string;
// pushedAt: string;
// gitUrl: string;
// sshUrl: string;
// cloneUrl: string;
// svnUrl: string;
// homepage: string;
// size: number;
// stargazersCount: number;
// watchersCount: number;
// language: string;
// hasIssues: boolean;
// hasProjects: boolean;
// hasDownloads: boolean;
// hasWiki: boolean;
// hasPages: boolean;
// hasDiscussions: boolean;
// forksCount: number;
// mirrorUrl: string;
// archived: boolean;
// disabled: boolean;
// openIssuesCount: number;
// license: {
// key: string;
// name: string;
// spdxId: string;
// url: string;
// nodeId: string;
// };
// allowForking: boolean;
// isTemplate: boolean;
// webCommitSignoffRequired: boolean;
// topics: string[];
// visibility: string;
// forks: number;
// openIssues: number;
// watchers: number;
// defaultBranch: string;
// permissions: {
// admin: boolean;
// maintain: boolean;
// push: boolean;
// triage: boolean;
// pull: boolean;
// };
// }
Require scope for this function:
- Use the
scope to retrieve the user'spublic repository
andprivate repository
accessToken: "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890", // Required
repoName: "example", // Required
repoOwner: "username", // Required
localPath: "./folderPath" // Required
}).then((result) => {
// Response: { any }
Github OAuth2 simplifies user authentication and profile management for Github-integrated applications. It offers a straightforward OAuth2 workflow, enabling developers to seamlessly integrate Github features into their projects.
If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue in our