MGalaCyber / Github-OAuth2

Github OAuth2 simplifies user authentication and profile management for Github-integrated applications.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Github OAuth2 is a comprehensive utility designed for Github integration, offering robust functionalities for user authentication and profile management.


  • 🚀 Streamlined OAuth2 workflow for seamless user authentication and authorization.
  • 📦 Retrieve comprehensive user profiles, including details like username, avatar, and other.



$ npm install @mgalacyber/github-oauth2


$ yarn add @mgalacyber/github-oauth2

Simple to Use

CommonJs (CJS) syntax

const { GithubOAuth2 } = require("@mgalacyber/github-oauth2");

ECMAScript Modules (ESM) syntax

import { GithubOAuth2 } from "@mgalacyber/github-oauth2";

Get Started


  1. Create a new application on the Github Developer
  2. Follow guide from official Github Documentation

Create OAuth2

const { GithubOAuth2 } = require("@mgalacyber/github-oauth2");

const oauth2 = new GithubOAuth2({
    clientId: "123456789012345678", // Required
    clientSecret: "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890", // Required
    redirectUri: "" // Required

Generate OAuth2 URL

const { Scopes } = require("@mgalacyber/github-oauth2");

    scope: [ // Required
    loginAccount: "Username", // Optional
    allowSignUp: true // Optional

}).then((result) => {
    // Response {
    //     state: string,
    //     url: string,
    // }

Get Access Token

oauth2.GetAccessToken(callbackCode).then((result) => {
    // Response {
    //     accessToken: string,
    //     tokenType: string,
    //     scope: string,
    // }


  1. Follow guide from official Github Documentation

Get User Profile


Require scope for this function:

  • Use the user scope to retrieve the user profile.
  • Use the repo scope to retrieve the user's public repository and private repository status.
    accessToken: "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890", // Required
    userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0", // Required

}).then((result) => {
    // Response {
    //     login: string;
    //     id: number;
    //     nodeId: string;
    //     avatarUrl: string;
    //     gravatarId: string;
    //     url: string;
    //     htmlUrl: string;
    //     followersUrl: string;
    //     followingUrl: string;
    //     gistsUrl: string;
    //     starredUrl: string;
    //     subscriptionsUrl: string;
    //     organizationsUrl: string;
    //     reposUrl: string;
    //     eventsUrl: string;
    //     receivedEventsUrl: string;
    //     type: string;
    //     siteAdmin: boolean;
    //     name: string;
    //     company: string;
    //     blog: string;
    //     location: string;
    //     email: string;
    //     hireable: boolean;
    //     bio: string;
    //     twitterUsername: string;
    //     publicRepos: number;
    //     publicGists: number;
    //     followers: number;
    //     following: number;
    //     createdAt: string;
    //     updatedAt: string;
    //     privateGists: string;
    //     totalPrivateRepos: number;
    //     ownedPrivateRepos: number;
    //     diskUsage: number;
    //     collaborators: number;
    //     twoFactorAuthentication: boolean;
    //     plan: {
    //         name: string;
    //         space: number;
    //         collaborators: number;
    //         privateRepos: number;
    //     }
    // }

Get User Repositories


Require scope for this function:

  • Use the repo scope to retrieve the user's public repository and private repository status.
    accessToken: "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890", // Required
    userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0", // Required

}).then((result) => {
    // Response {
    //     id: number;
    //     nodeId: string;
    //     name: string;
    //     fullName: string;
    //     private: boolean;
    //     owner: {
    //         login: string;
    //         id: number;
    //         nodeId: string;
    //         avatarUrl: string;
    //         gravatarId: string;
    //         url: string;
    //         htmlUrl: string;
    //         followersUrl: string;
    //         followingUrl: string;
    //         gistsUrl: string;
    //         starredUrl: string;
    //         subscriptionsUrl: string;
    //         organizationsUrl: string;
    //         reposUrl: string;
    //         eventsUrl: string;
    //         receivedEventsUrl: string;
    //         type: string;
    //         siteAdmin: boolean;
    //     };
    //     htmlUrl: string;
    //     description: string;
    //     fork: boolean;
    //     url: string;
    //     forksUrl: string;
    //     keysUrl: string;
    //     collaboratorsUrl: string;
    //     teamsUrl: string;
    //     hooksUrl: string;
    //     issueEventsUrl: string;
    //     eventsUrl: string;
    //     assigneesUrl: string;
    //     branchesUrl: string;
    //     tagsUrl: string;
    //     blobsUrl: string;
    //     gitTagsUrl: string;
    //     gitRefsUrl: string;
    //     treesUrl: string;
    //     statusesUrl: string;
    //     languagesUrl: string;
    //     stargazersUrl: string;
    //     contributorsUrl: string;
    //     subscribersUrl: string;
    //     subscriptionUrl: string;
    //     commitsUrl: string;
    //     gitCommitsUrl: string;
    //     commentsUrl: string;
    //     issueCommentUrl: string;
    //     contentsUrl: string;
    //     compareUrl: string;
    //     mergesUrl: string;
    //     archiveUrl: string;
    //     downloadsUrl: string;
    //     issuesUrl: string;
    //     pullsUrl: string;
    //     milestonesUrl: string;
    //     notificationsUrl: string;
    //     labelsUrl: string;
    //     releasesUrl: string;
    //     deploymentsUrl: string;
    //     createdAt: string;
    //     updatedAt: string;
    //     pushedAt: string;
    //     gitUrl: string;
    //     sshUrl: string;
    //     cloneUrl: string;
    //     svnUrl: string;
    //     homepage: string;
    //     size: number;
    //     stargazersCount: number;
    //     watchersCount: number;
    //     language: string;
    //     hasIssues: boolean;
    //     hasProjects: boolean;
    //     hasDownloads: boolean;
    //     hasWiki: boolean;
    //     hasPages: boolean;
    //     hasDiscussions: boolean;
    //     forksCount: number;
    //     mirrorUrl: string;
    //     archived: boolean;
    //     disabled: boolean;
    //     openIssuesCount: number;
    //     license: {
    //         key: string;
    //         name: string;
    //         spdxId: string;
    //         url: string;
    //         nodeId: string;
    //     };
    //     allowForking: boolean;
    //     isTemplate: boolean;
    //     webCommitSignoffRequired: boolean;
    //     topics: string[];
    //     visibility: string;
    //     forks: number;
    //     openIssues: number;
    //     watchers: number;
    //     defaultBranch: string;
    //     permissions: {
    //         admin: boolean;
    //         maintain: boolean;
    //         push: boolean;
    //         triage: boolean;
    //         pull: boolean;
    //     };
    // }

Clone Github Repositories


Require scope for this function:

  • Use the repo scope to retrieve the user's public repository and private repository permission.
    accessToken: "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890", // Required
    repoName: "example", // Required
    repoOwner: "username", // Required
    localPath: "./folderPath" // Required

}).then((result) => {
    // Response: { any }

How It Works

Github OAuth2 simplifies user authentication and profile management for Github-integrated applications. It offers a straightforward OAuth2 workflow, enabling developers to seamlessly integrate Github features into their projects.

Bugs, glitches and issues

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue in our


Github OAuth2 simplifies user authentication and profile management for Github-integrated applications.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%