MBetters / SLAM

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SLAM is the applied theory of how to have an intelligent system draw a map and pinpoint where it is in the map at the same time. The pose graph method accomplishes SLAM by constructing a graph of robot pose vertices (x, y, theta) and then adjusting those vertices until the adjusted edges and the edges measured by scan-matching are optimally close, as measured by nonlinear least squares.

I'm using pipenv (https://pipenv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to manage this workspace. After installing pipenv, run pipenv install in this directory to install dependencies.

To get the data, run...

chmod +x get_data.sh

To setup Jupyter, run...

pipenv shell
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=SLAM

To start Jupyter, run...

pipenv shell
chmod +x serve.sh
./serve.sh localhost 8888

Go to the link it gives you and open the main.ipynb notebook. Click the Run button.



From http://carmen.sourceforge.net/FAQ.html:

  • CARMEN uses SI units internally.
  • All distances are in metres.
  • All angles are in radians.
  • All velocities are in metres/second.
  • All parameters described in an .ini file should obey this constraint, and any that do not should be considered a bug. The only notable exception is that carmen_map_point_t points are in map grid cells, and should be multiplied by the map resolution (or converted using carmen_map_to_world) to get distances in metres.

From http://carmen.sourceforge.net/program_carmen.html:

  • Always represent all units in MKS.
  • All distances are always in metres. All angles are always, always in radians.
  • All floating point numbers should be doubles, not floats, and all fixed point numbers should be ints, not chars or shorts. The only known exceptions are large, low-precision data chunks, i.e. laser data and maps.
  • All co-ordinate frames, internal and external, are right-handed. This means that q always increases counter-clockwise, from positive x to positive y. This is the opposite of screen graphics. q = 0 always points along the positive x axis.
  • There are exactly three allowable co-ordinate frames:
    • The robot's frame of reference: distances are in metres, and the robot always faces along the positive x axis
    • The global frame of reference: distances are in metres, and q = 0 is with respect to a map. This is a meaningless frame of reference without a map.
    • The map frame of reference: distances are in grid cells, and q = 0 is with respect to a map. This is a meaningless frame of reference without a map.
  • Never convert between radians and degrees yourself. Always use carmen_radians_to_degrees and carmen_degrees_to_radians.
  • Angles are always between -p and p. Never normalize angles yourself. Always use carmen_normalize_theta.
  • Never use asin, acos or atan to recover angles distances. Always use atan2 (3).
    • theta = atan2(y, x); should always be used instead of theta = atan(y/x);

From CARMEN's source code documentation at docs/messages.html:

  • In all messages, the distance units are in metres.
  • Angle measurements are in radians, in the range -pi to pi.
  • Velocity measurements are in m/sec.
  • Timestamp:
    • It's given as the number of seconds since the unix epoch, and is a double, where the fractional part is computed from the tv_usec field of the timeval struct returned by gettimeofday.
    • It's the time when the data was first created or acquired.
  • Odometry measurements:
    • The x, y, and theta fields are the raw odometry, from the time the robot was turned on.
    • The tv and rv fields are the translational and rotational velocities of the robot. For robots that have differential drive (as opposed to synchrodrive), these velocities are computed from the left and right wheel velocities that base actual uses.
  • Range measurements:
    • There is no way to tell from a message itself whether or not the message is a front laser message or a rear laser message. This hopefully will be fixed in a future release.
    • They're in 1 degree increments.
    • They're the distance to the nearest obstacle along some heading.
    • The first range is in the -pi/2 direction in the robot's local frame of reference, where 0 is directly ahead.
    • The last range is in the pi/2-1/180 direction.
    • In degrees, that is from -90 degsto 89 degs.
    • The order is right-handed (counter-clockwise). This is with reference to a laser that is mounted facing the front of the robot, with the laser right way up.
    • For rear laser messages, the measurements go from pi/2, through pi, to -pi/2-1/180. If you mount the laser upside down, the measurements go from pi/2, through 0, to -pi/2-1/180.
    • For forward pointing lasers, usually assume the laser is mounted the right way up.



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