MAA28 / InputPowertools

Eliminate the annoyances of getting input or building a cli in python!

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Eliminate the annoyances of getting input or building a cli in python!


I love using command line interfaces and I think most people like building these small tools as well, but its really annoying to have to build the interface between the user and your program, hence I build this python package to take care of this part for you.


$ pip install InputPowertools




>>> print(f"Result: {input('Type your name:', Mode.ALPHA)}")

Type your name:  >? 123
πŸ›‘ Please enter a value that is completely alphabetic (no punctuation, numbers, emojis or nothing)...
Type your name:  >? Malte
Result: Malte


>>> print(f"Result: {input('How old are you:', Mode.NUMERIC, domain=lambda x: x % 1 == 0)}")

How old are you:  >? πŸ˜€
πŸ›‘ Please enter a number...
How old are you:  >? 13.5
πŸ›‘ Please enter a value that fits the answers domain...
How old are you:  >? 16
Result: 16


>>> print(f"Result: {input('Are you a what kind of person are you?', Mode.OPTIONS, options=['Cat person', 'Dog person', 'Bird person'])}")

Are you a what kind of person are you? 
1 -> Cat person
2 -> Dog person
3 -> Bird person
Select option [1-3]:  >? Though question
πŸ›‘ Please enter a number...
Select option [1-3]:  >? 0
πŸ›‘ Please enter a value that fits the answers domain...
Select option [1-3]:  >? 4
πŸ›‘ Please enter a value that fits the answers domain...
Select option [1-3]:  >? 2
Result: (1, 'Dog person')


>>> print(f"Result: {input('What is your favorite hex color?', Mode.REGEX, regex=r'(#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3}))', regex_description='Hexadecimal Color. Something like #123 or #FF32CD')}")

What is your favorite hex color?  >? red
πŸ›‘ Please enter a value that fits this description: Hexadecimal Color. Something like #123 or #FF32CD
What is your favorite hex color?  >? #F00
Result: #F00


Just pressing enter

>>> print(f"Result: {input('Type your name:', Mode.ALPHA, default='Hannes')}")

Type your name: (Hannes) >? 
Result: Hannes

Typing something else

>>> print(f"Result: {input('Type your name:', Mode.ALPHA, default='Hannes')}")

Type your name: (Hannes) >? Malte
Result: Malte


>>> print(f"Result: {input('Type your name:', Mode.ALPHA, confrim=True)}")

Type your name:  >? Malte
Do you want to select "Malte"? 
1 -> yes
2 -> no
Select option [1-2]: (2) >? 1
Result: Malte



$  python examples/example\

For more information: examples/example --help

Analysing the docstring and type hints to generate --help

$  python examples/example\ --help

Some function
  A function that is truly amazing... wow!
Return: Some fascinating thing
                        Prints out information about the program.
                         Type:    bool
                         Default: False
                        Is a variable called a
                        Is a variable called b
                         Type:    str
                        Is a variable called c
                         Type:    list
                        Is a variable called d
                         Type:    bool
                         Default: False

Analysing the function parameters to generate cli

$ python examples/example\  --a lol --b "this is a value with spaces" --c 4 2 "test123" --d

a='lol' b='this is a value with spaces' c=[4, 2, 'test123'] d=True


Eliminate the annoyances of getting input or building a cli in python!


Language:Python 100.0%