Михайло Шафоростов's starred repositories
Multiple samples showing the best practices in location APIs on Android.
Create your own private bitcoin testnet
VS Code Localization Extension
Simple Java Telegram bot displaying user info when a message is forwarded to it
Python Bitcoin tools
A comprehensive Python module for handling Monero cryptocurrency
Pure Java implementation of EdDSA
filippo.io/edwards25519 — A safer, faster, and more powerful low-level edwards25519 Go implementation.
Jupyter notebook for explaining elliptic curve encryption
libsodium-jna is a java library that binds to libsodium C crypto APIs with Java Native Access (JNA)
The project consists in the tracking of the user's location through an ANDROID app that communicates with a remote database (MySQL) through RESTful webservices built with JAVA Enterprise 7 (using the Glassfish 4 container). The Android app allows you to capture and collect, with various options, the datas about user's current location. The app can also show the map with the routes created with the points stored in the remote database. The app is designed to work offline: after the user has logged in, the app can collect the data in a local database (SQLite); when the device goes back online, all caches in the local database will be sent to the remote database through the RESTful webservices. The communication between the app and the webservices is done with messages formatted according to the JSON standard. The app has several working modes and can manage multiple users: when the app is started for the first time, a screen allows the user to log in to the service or sign up using an other screen. After logged in, the app runs with default preferences that the user can change. Options are divided into three groups: - Tracking: o Enable tracking o Position acquisition rate - Network: o Automatic map update o Output data-rate (to the server) o Show the route of the last xx minutes/hours (customizable) - Map: o Route drawing mode (driving, walking, free). o Default zoom level o Map Mode (Map, Earth, Hybrid) o Tracking color The app has also a Service that runs in background; it sends the data to the server and collects the data about the current location.
The brand-new player for Ballance.
The project consists in the tracking of the user's location through an ARDUINO board that communicates with a remote database (MySQL) through RESTful webservices built with JAVA Enterprise 7 (using the Glassfish 4 application server) and Android APP. The ARDUINO with GPS module allows you to capture and collect, with various options, the datas about user's current location. The app can also show the map with the routes created with the points stored in the remote database. The routes are created with different color according to the speed for traffic monitoring. The communication between the app and the webservices is done with messages formatted according to the JSON standard. The app runs with default preferences that the user can change. Options are divided into two groups: Network: • Automatic map update Map: • Default zoom level • Map Mode (Map, Earth, Hybrid) This project was developed by Alessio Oglialoro and Daniele Saitta.
Track device location and log location data.
Android phone talk, text, and data usage tracker.
This is the repository for the Data Tracking Application (Android version)