M1n007 / igtools

Instagram Tools

Repository from Github https://github.comM1n007/igtoolsRepository from Github https://github.comM1n007/igtools

Instagram Tools (Develop)

Build Status contributions welcome

instagram include unoffical API in folder ./lib.

will be updated soon. :)


Script Detailed.

Tools Description Script name Status
Account Creator For create multiple instagram account accountCreator.js develop
Account Creator ( Edit ) For create multiple instagram account with edit bio etc. accountCreatorWithEdit.js develop
Auto Followers for auto follow ( data from database ) autoFollowers.js develop
Auto Followers FROM Txt for auto follow ( data from txt ) autoFollowersWithTxt.js develop
Account Creator With Proxy For create multiple account with proxy - -


Lib detailed

u can check at folder lib.


  • Fork this repo.
  • Add new features or Fix features.
  • Create a new pull request for this branch.
