M1K8 / Theia

Repository from Github https://github.comM1K8/TheiaRepository from Github https://github.comM1K8/Theia


Theia allows for simple multiplexing of messages for Discord bots written using discordgo.


  • Call NewTheia(*discordgo.Session, repo.Repo) to intantiate the multiplexer
  • Call theia.Inject(bot_name, []*discordgo.ApplicationCommand, map) on you Commands Map. This will create a {name}-register and {name}-unregister slash commands for server owners to use.
  • To send a message through the multiplexer, use theia.Send(string, func), theia.SendEmbeds([]*discordgo.Embeds, func), or theia.SendComplex(*discordgo.MessageSend, func).
    • The 2nd func parameter will be run on each message for each server, and can be used to customize / filter messages for a specific server. Passing nil here will send a message as normal.
    • If an error is encountered, it will be logged & Theia will continue onto the next server.
    • All of these functions return a map[string]*discordgo.MessageReference that can be used to edit / remove the sent message. The map is index based on the GuildID.




License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 100.0%