M-Usman-Tahir / Customer-Registration-Perl-Catalyst

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Perl Installation

Visit the link here to download and install the perl to your system.


Catalyst is used as the framework to display the perl on the frontend. Type following command in the terminal to install Catalyst.

cpanm Catalyst::Devel

Also install Background proc for better real time debuging.

cpanm Proc::Background

How to make a basic catalyst app

Type following command in the terminal (in the directory where you want to create the app)

catalyst App_name

Change your directory to the App directory

cd App_name

Type the following command and it will check if all the dependencies are installed and if all the files listed in the MANIFEST file were included. Then it will generate the Makefile itself without any extension.

perl Makefile.PL

How to run the app

Now type the following command to run and debug the app. It will restart the app when changes are made (proc::background is necessary to be installed if you are using -r in the next line.)

perl ./script/App_name_server.pl -d -r



Language:Perl 79.4%Language:Makefile 20.6%