LynnSoler / Prosper-IT-LLC-Internship

MS Azure DevOps Services - ASP.NET 4.7 MVC 5 (C#) - Remote Collaboration Project

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ASP.NET MVC5 (C#) EF6 - MS Azure - Remote Collaboration Project


As part of the graduation requirements at The Tech academy, I worked as a Remote Developer on a 6-Member Development Team for Prosper IT Consulting, LLC. We all worked to build off of an existing, MVC-C# Web Application Program (using Code-First Entity Framework) that was mid-cycle in its development. This was a great learning experience for new Code Implementation + Debugging in Visual Studio on a much larger scale, as well as Development Collaboration, while at the direction of a Project Manager in Azure DevOps and Slack.

Below are descriptions + screenshots (SS) of the stories I worked on that I am allowed to show for our 2-Week Sprint.

Front-End Stories

Style Changes to Navbar

Product Backlog Item 3660: I was referred to another website with similar Navbar styles that the client wanted implemented into their Navbar. I was instructed to use the exact color #Blue Backround + #Orange Text as was seen on the 'donor' site. Quick Eye Dropper Google extension gave me the color codes to apply to the Site.css file. The background color change to #Blue was then as simple as changing the color code in the Site.css file, however the text color within the Navbar constraint proved a bit more challenging to locate. I tested new class and id creations in the project's Layout.cshtml & created the appropriate styling syntax in Site.css to test if my approach would be return successful on the intended target. The #Orange text returned correctly now in the browser, but it lost the white hover effect. After further inspection in the DevTools Console, I was able to locate the arching stack controlling the Navbar text style that was lost in my new class & ID creation thru the arching Site.css file I tested previously.

Using the syntax found in the bootstrap-theme.css file, I applied the same class to the Site.css file + the appropriate #Orange color change that would then, arch the bootstrap file with the correct #Orange text + white inverse text property.

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Back-End Stories

GUID Implementation

Product Backlog Item 3585: In the JPApplication Create view, I was instructed to remove the Student_id from the view. I completed this task with simply commenting out the code. I felt it best-practice (& especially for a mid-cycle Web Application build) to keep the pre-existing code in the event that it was found to be an integral piece of the application build at a later time, or perhaps, even a useful piece to another developer.

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Next, I was instructed to add the id of the current user to the JPstudent object before it was saved to the database. After some simple, yet extremely mission-critical clarification exchanged with the Project Manager, I understood that the purpose of this story was to assign the student's id to the application before it was saved to the database--without the student knowing what their id is. This allowed me to complete the task by assigning a GUID to the Application object that contained the student_id property. Thinking forward, I also removed the Student_id from the Create Bind to avoid throwing any errors from the Student_id that had just previously been removed from the view. This page was tested and returned with errors, but I identified the error by setting up stop points to Watch in Visual Studio to determine the error was being triggered before my code in the user authentication. I notified the Project Manager that this story was complete, but also gave the heads-up of a potential bug in the user authentication code since that piece of the build was incomplete for further testing.

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MS Azure DevOps Services - ASP.NET 4.7 MVC 5 (C#) - Remote Collaboration Project