LybaFatimaNasir / Waterflow-Model

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Water-Flow Methodology

The Waterfall Model was the first Process Model to be introduced. It is also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. In waterfal methodology each phase must be completed before the next phase begins and there is no overlapping in the phase

Waterflow Methodology

Waterfall methodology follows are series of steps which are reminiscent of how traditional industries have worked in the past. Waterfall methodology consists of several stages each of which must be completed before the next stage begins and there is no overlapping in the stages.



Some advantages of Waterfall methodology are following:

  • Use Clear Structure: Each project goes through following steps:
    • Requirements Gathering and Documentation
    • System Design
    • Implementation
    • Testing
    • Deployment
    • Maintenance
  • Determines the End Goal Early: Unlike other methodologies like SCRUM, which divides project up to indivisual sprints, Waterfall keeps focus on end goal all the time.
  • Transfers information Well: Waterfall prioritizes accessible information so new additions to the team can get up to speed quickly if needed.

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Some disadvantages of Waterfall methodology are following:

  • Makes Changes Difficult: Waterfall methodology involves some specific steps so, it leaves no room for unexpected changes.
  • Excludes the Client/End User: It's main purpose has always been to help internal teams move more efficiently through the phases of the project. It does not involves client.
  • Delays Testing After Completion

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