LyTNT / 2022-Azure-ScaleUpVMWhenCPUPerformanceOver80-

Scale up Azure VM when CPU Performance reach a specific limit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A. Overview

  1. Purpose of this presentation:
  • If CPU Performance >10% within 1 min, VM will automatically scale up to higher level of configuration
  • Based on this flow, User can set up other automation cases for VM on their own such as Scale down, Restart, Stop or Start
  1. Scale up Rule: VM sizes scaling pair Ex: | | Basic_A0 | Basic_A4 | | Standard_A0 | Standard_A4 | | Standard_A5 | Standard_A7 | | Standard_A8 | Standard_A9 | | Standard_A10 | Standard_A11 | | Standard_D1 | Standard_D4 | | Standard_D11 | Standard_D14 | | Standard_DS1 | Standard_DS4 | | Standard_DS11 | Standard_DS14 | | Standard_D1v2 | Standard_D5v2 | | Standard_D11v2 | Standard_D14v2 | | Standard_G1 | Standard_G5 | | Standard_GS1 | Standard_GS5 |
  2. Issue I faced on this task:
  • Select the Runbook version that is not compatible with the Module in Automation Account
  • Add Role for User-assigned managed identity in the wrong way, so running fails
  1. I refer to this link. However, Azure has changed over time and the approach has been improved

B. Summary of flow

I> Create User-assigned managed identity


1. There are 2 ways approaching Automation Account

  • system-assigned managed identity
  • User assign managed identity

I follow the second one


2 Assign permissions to managed identities


Follow steps on the above link, summary as follows:

2.1 Provide variables

$resourceGroup = "resourceGroup"
$automationAccount = "AutomationAccount"
$userAssignedManagedIdentity = "userAssignedManagedIdentity"
$resourceGroup = "testscaleuprg"
$automationAccount = "lytntautoaccount"
$userAssignedManagedIdentity = "UAI1"

2.2 Use PowerShell cmdlet New-AzRoleAssignment to assign a role to the system-assigned managed identity.

$SAMI = (Get-AzAutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $automationAccount).Identity.PrincipalId
New-AzRoleAssignment `
    -ObjectId $SAMI `
    -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
    -RoleDefinitionName "Contributor"

##Role "Virtual Machine Contributor" may be okay

##Wait result this step

2.3 Assign a role to a user-assigned managed identity.

$UAMI = (Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $userAssignedManagedIdentity)
New-AzRoleAssignment `
    -ObjectId $UAMI.PrincipalId `
    -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
    -RoleDefinitionName "Contributor"

##Wait result this step

2.4 final


##save id: 6132e277-8327-41e5-9671-105033dad25d

##img2: the result as line3 in the image


II> Tạo Virtual VM- Ubuntu

The Cheapest VM config: Standard B1s (1 vcpu, 1 GiB memory)

upgraded vm=> Standard B2s (2 vcpus, 4 GiB memory)

  • Networking: open port 22
  • Tick Delete Public ip when VM is deleted
  • Enable System assigned managed identity
  • Login with Azure AD
  • Download key and create vm

III> Create Automation Account and Runbook

  • Tab Advanced, tick System assigned và User assigned
  • Add user assigned identities, ex UAI1
  • Networking: choose Public access


III.2 Create Runbook for scale up VM

  • Name:
  • Runbook Type: PowerShell
  • Runtime version: 5.1 Note:This version will compatible with Module (in Automation Account-vd:lytntautoaccount=> Module)
  • Code của Runbook có thể Import từ Gallery

EX: ScaleUp-Azure-VM-On-Alert

author: azureautomation

  • Save=> Publish


IV. Create Alert


1 Scope

  • Filter by resource type: Virtual machines
  • Click choose vm you want to scale up

##img5: Interface of Alert rule scope


2. Condition

  • choose CPU Percentage

#If CPU percentage >10% within 1 min => alert fired

  • Threshold value: 10
  • Lookback period: 1


3. Action

Create action group

  • Send email when alert fired
  • Action type: Automation Runbook
  • Runbook Source: User
  • Subscription -> select Automation account created above -> select runbook of scaleup published
  • Enable Alert Schema


4. Name for alert and create

5. Check alert rule attached on VM


V> Access VM and test

#git bash

cd ~
cd Desktop/

#Connect to VM

ssh -i misasinglevm_key.pem azureuser@

#Download stress module to push CPU upto 100%

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install stress
sudo stress --cpu 1 --timeout 2000

#To observe, open new git window, type command:


#Result: Check mail and Refresh VM

  • orgiginal vm: Standard B1s (1 vcpu, 1 GiB memory)
  • upgraded vm: Standard B2s (2 vcpus, 4 GiB memory)


Scale up Azure VM when CPU Performance reach a specific limit