Luxcium / 100DaysOfCode

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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My Goals

  • Learn every day for 100 day.
  • Code at least one hour per day.
  • Teach someting online.
  • Blog about code every day.
  • Youtube something usefull for other to learn while doing their #100dayof code challenge.
  • Reach to other doing the challenge.
  • Report my daily experience in a log on my github repository.
  • Support other doing the challenge

My Strange Workflow

My current workflow is kind of messy and I will need to adress quickly some problemes it may cause to what I intent to do. I will briefly draft an explaination today and will correct the typos and other problemes as soon as possible tomorow or monday (we are saturday september 12 2020 18h10 EDT) I will clarify the situation so yyou can folow trough my repo and processes... Look at my temporary draft and open an issue if something is unclear or wait 2 or 3 days it should be already easier to understand...

directory Structure

Denotes the intent of having different project each day directorys weeknumber/daynumber are there to denode the intention of doing a different project each and every day... But as I may be working on past code in a previous day directory many things can happen in a same directory where as other daily directory can tend to be empty or lack documentation oif what has appened taht day...


Denotes the work for a future day of the challenge On branch for each remaining day is already created and waiting to be Squash and Merge within is already created pull request. the PR list is in reverse order you can see the remaining pendin PR here


Denotes the actual work that has occurede for that day of my challenge

The Tag will keep the tip of an old branch alive after the branche is Squashed merged and deleted. Contrary to what I can do by working in different directorie Tag are what remain after a dayu is completet where as branch is what exist before the day complete third-day-end.b exist because after the third-day-end I added more content...

the late keyword e.g.: seventh-day-end.late indicate a day closed after the due date. or the calendar date.

Short list of some tags:

Publication date

The Tags will alway go chronologically and will not reflect missed day or accumulating delay

Because some time I can be late the publicaiton day is the real calenday day and the tag day is the cronological day ordering no day X+1 will occure prior to day X and no day X will occure prior day X-1 to know

The directorys have a structure that was changed from the first week: day-one day-two day-three day-four to the second week: fift-day sixth-day seveth-day eighth-day and so on ...

Benjamin Vincent✨is doing the #100DaysOfCode challenge, is a Full-time #TypeScript worshiper, #NodeJS enthusiast & #VSCODE junkie. (he/him) cis-gender gay-boy 🇨🇦🍑🤓🐍🦋🍆

Pull requests

100 already created pulrequest for each future days of the challenge are merged on each day I work on the challenge and tags are there to keep track of past work until that point in time...

Scientia es lux principium✨™

First Week

Day One

Day Two


Working on functors as a main part of different days in the project. Day Two Folder is where I work on my Functor definition

Day Three

Second Week

Third Week




Language:JavaScript 61.8%Language:TypeScript 19.7%Language:Shell 18.6%