LumaRay / Blockchain-HRI

External Hash Tree on Blockchain Principle: Include Hash Root Info (HRI) in a blockchain transaction in a form of TaggedData

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

External Hash Tree on Blockchain Principle

Include Hash Root Info (HRI) in a blockchain transaction in a form of TaggedData:

TaggedData[2+] = <RootTag[1(byte)]><VersionTag[1]><DataSet[0+]>[<SignatureTag[1+]>]
RootTag[1] = 0x12 - signals that the OP_RETURN will contain Tagged Data 12 (TD12)
VersionTag[1] - indicates the version of TD12 format:
  0x01 - current version
  0xFF - custom version depend on use case, 
  Other values - RFU
DataSet[0+] = [<DataItem1[1+]>[<DataItem2[1+]>[<DataItem3[1+]>...[<DataItemN[1+]>]...]]]
  DataItem[1+] - stored data in T[L]V (Tag[1] [Length[1]] Value[0..Length-1]) format:
      0x00 - RFU
      0x01 - SHA1 hash (Length = 20)
      0x02 - SHA2-256 hash (Length = 32)
      0x03 - SHA3-256 hash (Length = 32)
      0x04 - 2xSHA2-256 hash (Length = 32) - double hashing with SHA2-256
      0x05 - MD5 hash (Length = 16)
      0x06 - BTIH hash (Length = 20) - BitTorrent Info Hash used in Torrent P2P networks to identify files and create links
      0x07 - TTF hash (Length = 24) - Tiger Tree Hash based on used in Direct Connect P2P networks to identify files and create magnet links
      0x08 - ED2K hash (Length = 16) - eDondey2000 hashing based on MD4 used in eMule P2P networks to identify files and create ed2k links
      0x09 - CRC32 (Length = 4) - Cyclic Redundancy Check
      0x0A - RIPEMD160 hash (Length = 20)
      0x0B - BLAKE2s hash (Length = 32)
      0x0C - RFU
      .	 - RFU
      .	 - RFU
      0xFD - RFU
      0xFE - reserved for SignatureTag
      0xFF - custom tag, depend on use case (e.g. when need to store encrypted file hash)
      Absent - for tags 0x01..0x08
      Depent on use case - for tag 0xFF
      Other values - RFU
      MSB first
SignatureTag[1+] - stored data signature in T[L]V (Tag[1] [Length[1]] Value[0..Length-1]) format:
    0xFE - signature by shortened hashing:
      Value = Right(2xSHA256(x), hashLength bytes)
        x = <TaggedData[2+]><Salt[0+]>
          Salt[0+] - application-specific secret data
    Other Tags are RFU
    For Tag 0xFE: hashLength[1]
    MSB first

For Bitcoin:

To store additional bytes in a transaction or/and for other needs you can customize transaction destination address (e.g. use BitTorrent Info Hash).

Store HRI in transaction OP_RETURN (40 bytes of data max).

For Ethereum:

To store additional bytes in a transaction or/and for other needs you can customize transaction destination address (e.g. use BitTorrent Info Hash).

Store HRI in a transaction data field or/and in a contract.


External Hash Tree on Blockchain Principle: Include Hash Root Info (HRI) in a blockchain transaction in a form of TaggedData

License:MIT License