Lulech23 / PHP-D365

Dynamics CRM Web API - Lightweight PHP Connector

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PHP D365

Dynamics 365 Online CRM Web API - Lightweight PHP Connector

Based on RDynamics by RobbeR

What's New

  • Updated to support OAuth 2.0
  • Updated to support CRM API 9.x
  • Updated to include annotations in responses
  • Unified select syntax with other operations
  • Added execute operation for API functions
  • Code and syntax cleanup


  • Using PHP-D365 requires an Azure Application client ID and secret. Applications and endpoints needed for configuration can be found in your Azure Admin Portal.
  • An Application User must exist in your Dynamics 365 environment to grant security roles to connected applications. Application Users can be configured in your PowerApps Admin Portal.


  • Place Dynamics.php anywhere on your server, and include or require the file where you want to make Dynamics API calls.
  • Initialize your Dynamics 365 Configuration:
      $Dynamics = new Dynamics(array(
          'baseUrl'               => '',
          'authEndPoint'          => '',
          'tokenEndPoint'         => '',
          'crmApiEndPoint'        => '',
          'clientID'              => '***', 
          'clientSecret'          => '***'
    • Optional: Include 'api' => 'YOUR_CRM_API_VERSION' to specify the exact web API revision to use. '9.0' will be used by default.
  • Call $Dynamics->YOUR_CRM_ENTITY->operation(...), where 'operation' can be select, insert, update, delete, or execute. Response will contain multiple objects, including the requested data, metadata about the API call, and methods to handle them.
  • Handle response with is* and get* methods included in the response object:
    • Use isSuccess() and isFail() to test whether the API call succeeded.
    • Use getData(), getHeaders(), or getErrorMessage() to retrieve primary information about the response, where getData() will contain the queried object in a select operation or the returned value in an execute operation.
      • Use getData(true) to enable formatting the result according to the EntityMetadata schema in the Microsoft XRM SDK
      • If getData() exceeds the row limit set by Dynamics (default 5000), use getNextLink() to retrieve the API endpoint for calling the next page of rows.
    • Use getRawResponse(), getEndpoint(), getError(), and getGuidCreated() to retrieve additional information about the response (see examples below).

Usage Examples

Querying Contacts

$contactsResponse = $Dynamics->contacts->select('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000');


$contactsResponse = $Dynamics->contacts->select('(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)?$select=fullname');


$contactsResponse = $Dynamics->contacts->select('?$select=fullname');
if($contactsResponse->isSuccess()) {
    // $contactsResponse->getData(); - Return data as array
else {
    // $contactsResponse->getErrorMessage(); - Return Dynamics Web API error message as string


Querying Contacts with Paging

(For >5000 results)

$i = 1;
do {
    if ((isset($contactsResponse) && $contactsResponse)) {
        $endpoint = $contactsResponse->getNextLink();
        if (!$endpoint) { // no next link defined, exiting
    } else { // first loop
        $endpoint = '?$select=gendercode,fullname';

    $contactsResponse = $Dynamics->contacts->select($endpoint);
    if ($contactsResponse->isSuccess()) {
        // $contactsResponse->getData(); - as array
    } else {
       // $contactsResponse->getErrorMessage(); - or ->getError() to get the full error object (with error_code and more)
} while ($contactsResponse->getNextLink());

Inserting Contacts

$contactsResponse = $Dynamics->contacts->insert(array(
    "emailaddress1"     => "some_test_email"

if ($contactsResponse->isSuccess()) {
    // $contactsResponse->getGuidCreated(); - Get the GUID of the created entity
} else {
    // $contactsResponse->getErrorMessage(); - Get the error message as string

Updating Contacts

$contactsResponse = $Dynamics->contacts->update('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', array(
    "emailaddress1" => "some_test_email"

if ($contactsResponse->isSuccess()) {
    // $contactsResponse->getData(); - Get the response data
    // $contactsResponse->getHeaders(); - Get the response headers
} else {
    // $contactsResponse->getErrorMessage(); - Get the error message as string

Deleting Contacts

$contactsResponse = $Dynamics->contacts->delete('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000');
if ($contactsResponse->isSuccess()) {
    // $contactsResponse->getData(); - Get the response data
    // $contactsResponse->getHeaders(); - Get the response headers
} else {
    // $contactsResponse->getErrorMessage(); - Get the error message as string

Running Batch Methods

(Max. 1000 requests per batch. See Microsoft Dataverse Web API Documentation))

$contactsResponse = $Dynamics->contacts->select('?$top=10');
if ($contactsResponse->isSuccess()) {
    $customers = $contactsResponse->getData();
    $batchID = "batch_" . uniqid();
    $payload = '';
    $i = 1;

    foreach ($customers as $customer) {
        $customerID = $customer["contactid"];
        $payload .= <<<EOT
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: $i

PATCH$customerID) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;type=entry

{"ftpsiteurl": "ftp://..."}

    $payload .= "--" . $batchID . "--\n\n";
    $batchResponse = $Dynamics->performBatchRequest($payload, $batchID);

    // $contactsResponse->getData(); - Get the response data
    // $contactsResponse->getHeaders(); - Get the response headers
} else {
    // $contactsResponse->getErrorMessage(); - Get the error message as string

Executing Functions

(See Microsoft Dataverse Web API Documentation)

$functionResponse = $Dynamics->RetrieveTotalRecordCount->execute("EntityNames=['contact']");


Dynamics CRM Web API - Lightweight PHP Connector


Language:PHP 100.0%