Random data generator written in go
Every function has an example and a benchmark
If their is something that is generic enough missing from this package add an issue and let me know what you need. Most of the time ill add it!
import "github.com/brianvoe/gofakeit"
gofakeit.Name() // Markus Moen
gofakeit.Email() // alaynawuckert@kozey.biz
gofakeit.Phone() // (570)245-7485
gofakeit.BS() // front-end
gofakeit.BeerName() // Duvel
gofakeit.Color() // MediumOrchid
gofakeit.Company() // Moen, Pagac and Wuckert
gofakeit.CreditCardNumber() // 4287271570245748
gofakeit.HackerPhrase() // Connecting the array won't do anything, we need to generate the haptic COM driver!
gofakeit.JobTitle() // Director
gofakeit.Password(true, true, true, true, true, 32) // WV10MzLxq2DX79w1omH97_0ga59j8!kj
// 80+ more!!!