LuchoBazz / cpp-algorithm-snippets

🚀 In this repository there is a collection of useful algorithms to use in competitive programming.

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📌 Algorithms Template for Competitive Programming

This repository contains templates of useful algorithms and data structures coded in C++ for use in competitive programming.


Command - Description

  • Misc

    • Debugging

      • to_string_main - to_string method of the main data types and standard data structures.
      • to_string_other - to_string method of pairs, tuple and bitset.
    • Misc

      • misc_main - Main macros of the template.
      • misc_data_types - Macros to shorten the writing of numeric data types.
      • misc_pairs - Macros to shorten the writing of tuples and pairs.
      • misc_precise - Macros for Sets the decimal precision to be used to format floating-point values on output operations.
      • misc_infinity - Macros defining the constants of infinity.
      • misc_loops - Macros to shorten loop writing.
      • misc_min_max - min and max functions by reference.
      • misc_directions - Array with the values to explore a 2D grid.
      • misc_reference - Macros to shorten the code writing of vector references.
      • misc_math - Some mathematical constants and functions.
      • misc_vector_n_d - Functions to shorten the writing of code in the creation of a vector of 2, 3 and 4 dimensions.
      • misc_cond - Functions and macros to shorten the code writing of some defined conditions..
      • misc_bits - Operations and tricks with Bits.
      • misc_unique - Remove duplicate values from a vector.
      • misc_y_combinator - Allows you to define a recursive Lambda function.
  • Geometry

    • 2d_geometry_point - Class Point.
    • 2d_geometry_polygon - Class Polygon.
    • 2d_geometry_area - Algorithm that calculates the area of a polygon.
    • 2d_geometry_perimeter - Algorithm that calculates the perimeter of a polygon.
    • 2d_geometry_convex_hull_mc - Convex Hull (Monotone Chain) algorithm.
  • Math

    • math_check_prime - Primality test of a number.
    • math_divisors - Function for get all the divisors of a number.
    • math_gcd_recursive - Greatest common divisor (Recursive Implementation).
    • math_gcd_iterative - Greatest common divisor (Iterative Implementation).
    • math_lcm - Least common multiple.
    • math_prime_factors - function that calculates the prime factors of a number.
    • math_sieve - function to get all prime numbers in a given range.
    • math_is_power_of_n - Algorithm that checks if a number is a power of n.
    • math_matrix - Class that represents a 2D matrix with its matrix operations.
    • math_polynomial - Polynomial class with the following Operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Modulo).
    • math_diophantine_best - Diofandina function that meets the following condition |x|, |y| <= max(|a|, |b|, |c|).
    • math_diophantine_std - Standard implementation of the Diofandina Function.
    • math_extgcd_iterative - Euclid's Extended Algorithm (Iterative).
    • math_extgcd_recursive - Euclid's Extended Algorithm (Recursive).
    • math_fft_iterative - Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm (Iterative).
    • math_fft_recursive - Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm (Recursive).
    • math_factorial - Factorial implementation.
  • Query Range

    • range_query_segment_tree - Segment Tree data structure.
    • range_query_sum_immutable - Query of sum in ranges (Immutable).
    • ange_query_sum_2d_immutable - Queries of sums in 2D ranges (Immutable).
    • range_query_fenwick_tree_std - Standard Indexed Binary Tree (fenwick tree).
    • range_query_segment_tree_lazy_compress - Segment Tree Lazy propagation data structure with compressed (add, max, min, index) operations.
    • range_query_segment_tree_lazy_full - Segment Tree Lazy propagation data structure with (add, max, min, index) operations complete includes find_first and find_last methods.
    • range_query_segment_tree_lazy_template - Template of the Segment Tree Lazy propagation data structure.
    • range_query_sum_lower_bound_segment_tree_lazy - Lower Bound algorithm in the Segment Tree Lazy.
    • range_query_find_less_than_segment_tree_lazy - Find the rightmost minor element of a given value in the Segment Tree Lazy.
    • range_query_dynamic_segment_tree - Implementation of a Segment Tree with Dynamic nodes.
    • range_query_persistent_segment_tree - Implementation of a Persistent Segment Tree.
    • range_query_sqrt_decomposition - SQRT Decomposition implementation using Bucket.
    • range_query_sparse_table_std - Sparse Table implementation.
  • Graph

    • graph_graph - Parent class of the representation of a graph.
    • graph_digraph - Child class representing a directed graph.
    • graph_undigraph - Child class representing an undirected graph.
    • graph_dijkstra_std - Implementation of the Dijkstra Algorithm.
    • graph_dijkstra_path - Dijkstra algorithm that allows to reconstruct the route.
    • graph_dsu - Disjoint Set Union data structure.
    • graph_toposort_dfs - Topological sorting algorithm using dfs.
    • graph_kruskal - Kruskal's algorithm (Minimum Spanning Tree).
    • graph_scc_kosaraju - Kosaraju algorithm to search for Strongly Connected Components (SCC).
    • graph_bellman_ford - Bellman Ford standard algorithm.
    • graph_find_cycle - Find circles in a Graph.
  • Data Structure

    • data_structure_mos_algorithm - implementation of Mo's Algorithm.
    • data_structure_trie_automaton - Implementation of the Prefix Tree through an Automata.
    • data_structure_trie_dynamic - Implementation of the Prefix Tree through a Dynamic Node.
    • data_structure_tree_order_statistic - Implementation of a Tree Order Statistic in Set and Map.
  • Numeric

    • numeric_mint_full - Modular arithmetic template.
    • numeric_mint_compress - Compressed Modular Arithmetic Template.
    • numeric_mod - Basic Modular Arithmetic Template.
    • numeric_bigint - Complete Template to do numerical operations with very large numbers.
    • numeric_fastpow - Fast Exponentiation.
  • String

    • string_suffix_array - Suffix Array algorithm.
    • string_kmp - Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm.
    • string_lps - Longest prefix which is also suffix.
    • string_manacher - Manacher algorithm (Find all palindrome substring of a string in O(n)).
    • string_split - Split function in string.
  • Combinatorics

    • combinatorics_combinations_permutations - Methods that allow counting the number of combinations and permutations of a set of elements.
    • combinatorics_next_combination - Method that generates all the combinations of a set of n elements with subsets of k elements.
    • combinatorics_all_combinations_backtracking - Method that generates all the combinations of a set of n elements with subsets of k elements using backtracking.
  • Random

    • random_init - Generate random value in a range.
    • random_permutation - Generate random permutation.
    • random_vector - Generate a random vector.
  • Searches

    • searches_binary_search_I - Standard binary search implementation.
    • searches_binary_search_II - Second Implementation of binary search.
    • searches_binary_search_III - Implementation of binary search based on Binary Jumping.
  • Techniques

    • techniques_divide_and_conquer - Template of the Divide and Conquer Technique.
    • techniques_sliding_windows - Sliding Window Technique Template.
    • techniques_sweep_line - Template of the Sweep Line Technique.
    • techniques_two_pointer1_pointer2 - Template of the Two Pointers Technique in two sequences.
    • techniques_two_pointer_left_right_boundary - Template of the Two Pointer Technique "Left and Right Boundary".
    • techniques_two_pointers_old_and_new_state - Template of the Two Pointer Technique "Old and New State".
    • techniques_two_pointers_slow_fast - Template of the technique of two pointers "Slow and fast pointer".
  • IO - Input/Output

    • io_print - Print multiple variables with short code writing.
    • io_read_write - Read data from (vector, list, forward_list or deque) and print it.
  • Template

    • template_main - Template with Task for c++17.
    • template_std - Template for c++17.
    • template_test_case - Test case snippet.
    • template_usaco - Template for
    • template_spoj - Template for
    • template_std_leetcode - Template for
    • template_random - Template to generate random test cases.


  • Debugging

    • Some components of the source code of this folder were taken from the-tourist/algo misc > debug.cpp ➡️ By Gennady Korotkevich (Tourist)
  • Graph

    • Some components of the source code of graph/graph_digraph.cpp, graph/graph_graph.cpp and graph/undigraph.cpp were taken from the-tourist/algo graph > ... ➡️ By Gennady Korotkevich (Tourist)
  • Numeric

    • Some components of the source code of numeric/numeric_mint.cpp were taken from the-tourist/algo numeric > mint.cpp ➡️ By Gennady Korotkevich (Tourist)

    • Some components of the source code of numeric/bitint.cpp were taken from indy256/codelibrary numeric > bitint.cpp ➡️ By Andrei Navumenka

  • String

    • Some components of the source code of string/string_suffix_array.cpp were taken from ekzhang/library suffix_array.cpp ➡️ By Eric Zhang

    • Some components of the source code of string/string_hashing.cpp were taken from mavd09/notebook_unal String/Hashing.cpp ➡️ By Osman Jimenez, Manuel Vergara and Víctor Ramírez

    • Some components of the source code of string/string_hashing_dynamic_compress.cpp were taken from ekzhang/library hashing_bit.cpp ➡️ By Eric Zhang

  • Query Range

    • Some components of the source code of this folder were taken from the-tourist/algo data > segtree.cpp and sparsetable.cpp ➡️ By Gennady Korotkevich (Tourist)
  • Combinatorics

    • Some components of the source code of this folder were taken from indy256/codelibrary cpp > combinatorics > enumerating_combinations.cpp ➡️ By Andrei Navumenka (indy256)


🚀 In this repository there is a collection of useful algorithms to use in competitive programming.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 98.6%Language:Python 1.1%Language:Shell 0.4%